16 January 2025

Cult leader pretending to be posek pushes poison shots If media headlines were honest


Gerer Rebbe Instructs Men, Women And Children To Take Flu Vaccination

A few comments and observations:

1) This is literally the same propaganda the demons used during the covid era. Replace "flu" with "covid" and it's the same. So if you know enough (or learned the hard way) not to take their covid poison, you should know not to ever touch their flu poison, and warn others accordingly. No further information or scientific knowledge is required, though I know that those with more expertise can write volumes about this.

2) It is important to emphasize once again that a known liar is pasul l'eidus, disqualified from giving testimony. The "experts", institutions, rabbis, media, and other influencers that shilled for the covid shots, peddling gross lies and distortions, cannot be trusted about anything else, period. They do not have the presumption of innocence. They do not have the presumption of expertise and telling the truth until proven otherwise. The burden of proof is not on me to decisively pick apart their every lie. 

We assume they are lying EVERY SINGLE TIME unless conclusively proven otherwise. We certainly do not take any actions, risks, or injections based on the presumed reliability of their claims and warnings.

3) Check this out regarding the same "rabbi":

"He is proficient in all the volumes of the Sefer Mishnah Berura"

An individual whose Torah credentials are that he is proficient in Mishnah Berura is qualified to be a plain ba'al habayis, a layman. This is in no way intended to denigrate the Mishnah Berura (which I too study) or its author, the saintly Chafetz Chaim, but proficiency in this work does not render one even a posek, let alone a gadol. 

The fact that this is the Gerrer Rebbe's claim to fame in a puff piece intended to prop him up as a Torah giant is an extraordinary admission of ignorance and inadequacy. 

It is only because our generation has been so successfully dumbed down that very few people would even notice this.

All it takes to be a "Rebbe" today is the right last name, and a following that is both more ignorant than him and blindly obedient.

4) "His wealth comes mostly from real estate investments his father made in north Tel Aviv, Arsuf (near Herzlia), and Jerusalem. Despite his wealth, he lived in an apartment in an ordinary residential building in the Chazon Ish neighborhood in Bnei Brak until 2011 when he moved to Jerusalem."

So he was born into easy street and inherited his vaunted position as Rebbe.

Based on his worthless un-Torah rulings, one can only wonder if his wealth comes from other sources as well...

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