22 January 2025

Shalom Pollack: Tiyul on January 28, Tuesday

 Shalom chaverim,

I am pleased to present a Tanach and Jewish history tour on Tuesday, Jan 28.

Our bus departs  from the Inbal Hotel at 8:30 and returns around 5:00
Cost 200 shekels

We will travel north from Yerushalayim to the land of Binyomin.

Our first visit will be to Bet El where we will learn about the Biblical sites, extensive excavations, and the renewed Jewish presence on our ancient site.

We will then visit a pioneer family  atop one of the hills in the area, fulfilling the mitzvah of "yishuv eretz Yisroel " with admirable  "misirot nefesh"

Finally, we will visit ancient Shiloh, the site of the "Mishkan". This is a very well-developed site and visitor's center including  various multimedia presentations
We will have the opportunity to stand where the Mishkan stood for 369 years and where Chana offered her famous tefila.
We will also visit the unique "Mishkan" shul in modern Shiloh

We will have our packed lunch in the cafeteria/souvenir shop for drinks and snacks.

Your commitment to join us must be made by the end of this week.

Besorot tovot

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