26 January 2025

Esser Agaroth: Trump's Second Inauguration as US President

טראמפ מציג את משפחות בני ערובה בעזה ומשתמש בהם כאביזרים לתיאטרון.
Trump puts the hostages families on display, using them as props.

The inauguration of Donald J. Trump's second term as President of the United States of America took place Monday. Most were focused on his speech, as was I. But did you hear the same things that I did? And did you pay attention to all of the other facets of the ceremony?

Let's find out
Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Sen. Amy Klobucher (D-MN)
Since 2024, she has served as Chair of Joint Inaugural Ceremonies Committee. She was very visible at probably the most watched Electoral Vote Certification joint session of the U. S. Congress. The key word here is visibility.
In 2020, she ran for the Democratic nomination for president, against Biden, Kamala Harris, and several others. There is no way she could have thought she had any chance of winning the nomination. But she achieved two things from her campaign: collection of helpful data, such as how to improve her image, and... visibility.
Sen. Klobuchar was the opening speaker at probably the most watched U. S. Presidential inauguration. Visibility. More and more, Sen. Klobuchar is building up her recognition by Americans.
We have not seen the last of Sen. Klobuchar.

Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE)
As Sen. Klobuchar's counterpart on Inaugural Ceremonies Committee, Sen. Fischer merited the second speaker's spot.

The past several years have been trying at times for many, many Americans and also for the nations of the free world that we humbly strive to lead. In November, Americans chose again to steer this nation towards greatness, the secure, safe, and prosperous future that our founders envisioned for all of us. And today, we celebrate not only their decision to do so, but also the simple right and wisdom of a free people to their own choice so that their nation might endure.

The past several years means the Biden Administration.
Trying means bad.
And Americans chose again... toward greatness means that the Biden years were the opposite of great, as in bad.
Sen. Fischer's speech was the perfect set-up for we later hear in President Trump's first speech after returning to the Presidency.

Franklin Graham
Evil son of evil. His father, the Rev. Billy Graham, once declared that there was no religious oppression in the Soviet Union. He was speaking of the Christians who received Christian books from him without repercussion. He ignored the suffering of the Jews. It was a crime even to teach Hebrew. And requesting an exit visa to immigrate to Israel resulted in various punishments.
I will not address missionary objectives of the Grahams here. With the Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan, Graham opened the ceremony with prayers in the name of Jesusmay his name and memory be blotted outGraham and Dolan served in the same rolls for Trumps's first inauguration. These words were a peek into the nature of Trump's second term.

Vice-Presidential Oath of Office
Vice-President J. D. Vance's oath of office was administered by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Why was he chosen, and not another justice?

The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Here is the fifth stanza of first published version, sung by the U. S. Naval Academy Glee Club.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me. As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on.

Although I am not convinced that President Trump is so delusional that he believes himself to be the Messiah. There is no question that he believes that he is saving he United States from those would destroy it, and work toward assimilating it into a globaliat society, and world government. Even I believe that he is dedicated to Making America Great Again, and that he has his work cut out for him to repair the damage done to his country over the last four years.
There is also no question that many of his supporters believe that he possesses some aspects of a messiah, and/or is playing a major role in the process of Redemption. This includes Jews in the U. S., Israel, and elsewhere.
The Christian theology expressed here, and elsewhere, in the this song cannot be ignored.

Naval Academy Glee Club
This including a visibly diverse group of marines. Was this on purpose?

President Trump
President Trump's speech was one long dig at the failed Biden Administration. With Biden and Harris stuck there in their seats, his speech was even more impactful. Biden and Harris knew that they had no choice but endure the shame, rather than make things worse by exiting the Capitol.

Highlights from Trump's speech include...

...ending the weaponization of the Justice Department
...the radical and corrupt establishment extracting power and wealth from citizens
...we now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home while at the same time stumbling into a continuing catalog of catastrophic events abroad.
It [the outgoing administration] fails to protect our magnificent, law-abiding American citizens but provides sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions that have illegally entered our country from all over the world.
And we have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, in many cases to hate our country despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today and will change very quickly.

Nationalism. A world leader begins his nationalistic initiative by building of the pride of a broken people, just like another leader had done for his people after the Treaty of Versailles. Of course, the Biden Administration's damage to the Americans people might actually have been worse than to the Germans. I point this out, not to bring up the Nazi comparison, but rather these leaders' shared origin from Esau (Edom). assassin's bullet ripped through my ear. But I felt then, and believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.
For American citizens, January 20, 2025 is Liberation Day.

Another suggestion of a messianic complex.

Today is Martin Luther King Day and his honor — this will be a great honor — but in his honor, we will strive together to make his dream a reality. We will make his dream come true. After this, he points out the diversity of his supporters.

That's what I want to be. A peacemaker and a unifier. I'm pleased to say that, as of yesterday, one day before I assumed office, the hostages in the Middle East are coming back home to their families.

Hostages in the Middle East, not in Israel, nor even in Gaza. We cannot afford to be confused about this. By peacemaker, he means for America. By unifier , he means for America, within America, or possibly a Trump version of global unity. I suppose that we will soon find out.
Having made it clear that all races and backgrounds are welcome, he moves from his message of unity to his message of a strong American Nationalism.

National unity is now returning to America and confidence and pride is soaring like never before. In everything we do my administration will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence and unrelenting success. We will not forget our country. We will not forget our Constitution. And we will not forget our God.

We will not forget our God. This is the Christian god, not ours. Those of you still believing in the myth of Judeo-Christian Values, you need to re-read this. This appears to be an integral part of his message of unity through nationalism. Or nationalism through unity, however way you slice it.

Rabbi Ari Berman, President, Yeshiva University
He spoke of "Biblical values," which as far as I am concerned is just a euphemism for the not existent "Judeo-Christian Values."  He mentions campuses and unrest. But not once does he say the word Anti-Semitism. He also never says the word Jew. Was he asked not to? Why? African-Americans and Latino-Americans are all allowed to talk about racism. Why can't a Jew talk about Anti-Semitism? Or was this his way of trying to erase the differentiation between American Jews and non-Jews? In other words, "we are the same as you." Maybe. But this certainly was...

Cry of the hostages, both American and Israeli

We get it. You still reside in exile. You have to get along with the goyim. After all, you reside in THEIR country. You have to look out for the Jews STILL IN EXILE. But do you have to self-censor to such an extent?
Rabbi Berman's speech was reminiscent of something written a little over 400 hundred years ago.

Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?
William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene 1

But at least these lines were written by a non-Jew in our defense, not by a Jews begging for acceptance. In other words, a lot less cringe.
Rabbi Berman, please just stop. Pack your bags. Get on the plane already, and come back to your only true homeland. Think about how powerful of an example you would be to the Jewish People.

Rev. Lorenzo Sewell, Detroit, MI
Personally handpicked by Trump, in his closing benediction, Sewell also invokes the name of the composite, Christian literary figure, Jesus Yoshke, may his name and memory be blotted out.

The U. S. now has a Christian nationalist president, who does not have to worry about re-election.
He has already begun fulfilling his campaign promises. Even Democrats are beginning to get on board with some of his policies. Either they really believe that he can make a difference, or they are simply guarding their own political careers. Either way, the U. S. will benefit from a second Trump presidency.
I cannot emphasize enough that the issues facing Americans, and their solutions, especially on the international arena, and do not inherently equal those facing Israel and the Jewish People. The quasi-right wing and Abraham Accords cheerleaders must snap out of it, and realize this.
The U. S. may continue to "protect" Israel at the UN and against the ICC, but at what cost.
We will still be fighting America's proxy wars.
If creating a Pseudostinian state, or an autonomous region or the like, will serve U. S. interests, then Israel will not only be pushed into supporting it, the Israeli Government will actively campaign for it.
Netanyahu and Trump may even end up ending their political careers with a Nobel Prize as a result, no doubt along with Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
If the U. S. supports Saudi control of the Temple Mount, then no doubt the Israeli Government will proclaim to Israelis just how much better this will be for us than under Jordanian control.
And when the Saudis join the Abraham Accords after forcing Israel to do backflips for the privilege, it will be declared a victory all around, even with one result being the Saudis buying continuing to buy up the Jewish Homeland out from under us through shell companies.
On second thought, the reason for the Nobel Prize will be because of the new relationship between the Saudis and a fully degraded Jewish People, and not because of a new Pseudostinian state. Already the lowest on the Arab totem pole, the value of those Arabs identifying themselves as Palestinians, to the rest of the Arab world, will finally have been used up.

The Sages said that the fortunes of Caesarea, which represents Rome, and Jerusalem are diametric opposites. If, therefore, someone says to you that both cities are destroyed, do not believe him. Similarly, if he says to you that they are both settled in tranquility, do not believe him. If, however, he says to you that Caesarea is destroyed and Jerusalem is settled, or that Jerusalem is destroyed and Caesarea is settled, believe himAs it is stated: “Because Tyre has said against Jerusalem: Aha, the gates of the people have been broken; she is turned to me; I shall be filled with her that is laid waste” (Ezekiel 26:2), and Tyre, like Caesarea, represents Rome. Consequently, the verse indicates that if this city is filled, that one is laid waste, and if that city is filled, this one is laid waste(Babylonian Talmud, Megillah 6a)

These two cities cannot coexist. These two nations cannot coexist.
Let us focus on what The Almighty wants from us, instead of what the nations, especially the United States, want from us. Israel is a people, separate and distinct from all other peoples. Let's keep it that way.

Hebrew (Ivrit) can be read at Esser Agaroth’s (2¢) Substack!

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