25 January 2025

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

 ‘Suddenly’ is in the news again

Avraham Massias Z”L, a 22-year-old Talmid at the Yesodot Hatorah yeshiva in Tel Aviv, was Niftar suddenly on Thursday while heading home for Shabbos. The tragic incident occurred around 5:00 p.m. at a bus stop near the yeshiva.

According to eyewitnesses, Massias collapsed suddenly. A fellow Bochrim at the scene began CPR, and paramedics from Magen David Adom (MDA) continued resuscitation efforts. Despite their attempts, Massias was Niftar after being transported to Ichilov Hospital. [most likely same time as suddenly] 

Sources close to the family revealed that earlier on Thursday morning, Massias called his father to report chest pains but declined his father’s offer to pick him up or take him to a doctor. He assured his father that he would come home for Shabbos and go to a doctor.

Avraham Massias, described as a serious and devoted Yeshiva Bochur, was known for his exemplary character and dedication to Limud HaTorah. Born in Jerusalem to his father, Rabbi Shlomo Massias, he initially studied at the Tiferes HaLevi Yeshiva in Jerusalem before advancing to Yesodot Hatorah yeshiva in Tel Aviv under the leadership of HaRav Baruch Zvi Lev.

His Levaya was held on Thursday night.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baruch Dayan Emes!
We pray to the Ribbon Shel Olam to have rachamim on all his children. Such a difficult time for Am Yisrael.
The first thought always comes to mind about the chisounim and what Dr. Zelenko, z't'l, predicted about so many petirot over the next who knows how many years because of that pure rishus that was unleashed on our people and much of humanity.
Rachamim, Rachamim.....


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