01 October 2024

Reb Goldwag: Haazinu-Rosh Hashana – Rising to the Heavens



Why does Moshe speak to the Heavens before the Earth, as if to say he is closer to the upper spheres? 

Why does it seem that Moshe has reversed the order, where the Heaven is supposed to be for Hashem while the Earth is meant for mankind? 

Why does Moshe demand of the Heaven to listen if that would seem to stop it from saying Hashem's praises? 

What is the idea of the mouth, heart and ears of the Heavens? 

How does the Shofar serve to encourage Hashem to stand up from His throne of judgment and sit, instead, on His throne of Divine Mercy? 

What is the idea of the Shofar in relationship to the root Sh-F-R which denotes beautification? 

How does the narrow end of the Shofar denote judgment and the wide end denote mercy?

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