22 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: [...] fake news you can't stop believing

 [ooops, missed publishing this]

This just in from the fake news:

All of Hezbollah's leaders were taken out, all their weapons destroyed, and all their fighters killed.  They promised a massive retaliation.  

In response to increased fears of retaliation from the enemy they have totally decimated, the IDF is drafting every Jewish male with at least one leg still attached, with a strong preference for religious Jews of child-bearing age, and sending them on missions no one understands.

In response to another stunning IDF achievement, Israelis gobbled it all up and accepted the culling of the herd that inexplicably only continues to increase.

None of this is coordinated with American and other Amalekite entities at war with the God and the Jewish people, while pretending to fight for them.

*   *   *

Tanach honors Jewish warriors who killed the enemy in large numbers.

The IDF prosecutes Jewish warriors.
The IDF honors Jewish warriors for getting killed by the enemy.
The IDF routinely sends Jewish warriors into death traps.
Jews continue to revere the IDF.

What's wrong with this picture?

*   *   *

This ad appeared in Ami Magazine, targeting Jews in Brooklyn.  Only in our generation would a medical center offer a financial incentive for perfectly healthy people to take tests.  Keep in mind that medical centers, drug companies, and related agencies make money from people being sick.   If people are sick, they make more money.  If people are healthy, profits dry up.  Call it cynical if you want, but it's the truth.

The medical industry expands their profit base by healthy people turning into sick people, or at least being diagnosed with something and becoming a patient, or at least going for frequent tests (which, like PCR tests, can return false positives, and you wouldn't know the difference).

That's why they pay money for you to take more tests.  Not because it keeps you from getting sick (though it might at times), but because it makes them more money and gives them an excuse to find something to treat.

The following image still appears on the Premium Health site.


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