13 October 2024

Dave Dobbs on Next Big Happening

It Seems Humanity Has Finally Come To A Mighty Junction With Just 3 Weeks Until CERNS Dec 6 Big Bang 

Will CERN's 6th November 14 Trillion Electron Volt Lead Ion Collisions Start a Chain Reaction?

Watchers Comments:

*Thank you Dave, since have eyes to see. I been watching with you, since X, since Nibiru. Since then.Have seen the flybys, taken my own pictures. Conferred with other sky watchers, I am convinced...and so I say Thank you, respect to you and all who read this. Peace be with you all. What a time to be alive. Thanks for the ride.

*Good to see you again! I hope all is well for Steve Olsen & of course for you too. ‘Bob’ You should check out the close square alignment of the 4 Gas Giants reaching peak this Oct 25 or so, nit seen since Oct of 79 AD, the year Pompeii was buried by Mt Vesuvius. David Dubyne -Adapt2030 has many recent posts on this. Godspeed to All through these ‘Interesting Times.’

what's happening with the Large hadron collider in direct observation is that they are creating additional magnetosphere shields in order to I presume augment the failing Shields that come during this cycle of pole shifts. Apparently there is a 400-year slack. Where a 200 year period is severe causing a loss of most of the atmosphere of the planet......the collider upgrades have raised their power levels many times over the years. The current rating by my calculations is 50M times earths gravitational force. That's 37+/- times the sun's gravitational force......the

Large hadron collider does an ion run of lead at least once a year. The subsequent earthquakes that take place at the antipode to the ring south of Fiji East of Australia will be some of the largest we have seen from this machine yet. The lead ions are something like 48 times denser than the hydrogen ions.
All of the earthquake activity occurring at that location on the planet is due to the operation of the Large hadron collider. Watch for a beam dump operation and then wait for the earthquake to occur. It's always a reasonably large open deep response. I believe they are shuttling some of this energy down to the ice cube laser array. I say this because you can also look on lasko c3 and observe an anomaly in the image usually darkening or whitening half of the image presented. This is the camera displaying an overload from the energy going past it. Eventually a few frames later you will observe a CME on the Sun. It is my general opinion that they are firing at a planet that was captured in 2007 trying to push it away from the Sun so that it does not merge with the sun in December 2012 as the Mayans predicted.

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