14 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: The Signs of the Footsteps of Moshiach...and an American Invasion

In this week's class I went through the now-famous Gemaras in Sotah and Sanhedrin about the footsteps of Moshiach.  I discussed parts of them years ago before it became fashionable (see here and here for two examples), but never went through all of it together...until today.

Torah shouldn't be marketed and hyped — it sells itself.   But seeing how Chazal's teachings are unfolding before our eyes is incredible.  I hope you will watch and share this class.  The recording is available here.

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That's as in your face as it can get.

Also these photos with the following comment that a reader just shared:

"The view from my grandmother's balcony in Ashdod. From the street, you can't tell that it's a Swastika. Also the logo of the Chabad that you see across the street is an eclipse and vesica pisces, i.e. Pagan imagery."

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Don't you feel safer having more American troops in Israel to "protect" us?  Can't imagine there's any other agenda at play here...

That was two days ago.  You already know what happened yesterday (with the usual absurd cover story).  They sure didn't waste any time.

Whoever really runs America has nothing but contempt for its own citizens.  Does anyone really think they're sending troops to Israel for our sake, and not to advance a larger agenda?

They're off to an explosive start.
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Even assuming the modern state of Israel isn't ruled by Erev Rav operatives working hand in hand with our external enemies to enslave and destroy us, it is absolutely forbidden according to the Torah to invite a foreign army into the Land of Israel to protect us — even if everyone involved had the best of intentions.   This is one of the greatest desecrations of Hashem's name. The punishment is that we fall to our enemies, and the foreigners we relied upon turn against us, God forbid.  The books of the prophets are filled with warnings about this (Egypt, Assyria, etc.).  

No Torah-minded Jew can be in favor of American "military support", let alone American, European, UN, or other foreign troops in our land, even if they don't realize that the Americans and the Israeli puppets are waging direct war on our people, and that Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc. are just convenient proxies and cover for what's really going on.

(See Yirmiya 2:36, Hoshea 5:13, 7:11, 10, Yechezkel 20 for some of the many clear sources from Tanach, as well as this related class: Turning to Other Nations to Support Israel.)
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Anyone who makes no attempt to discourage their loved ones from stepping into the Erev Rav / Amalek meat grinder at this point shares responsibility for their blood. There's no longer an excuse to be so blind and oblivious to what's going on.


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Rabbi Weissman: The Signs of the Footsteps of Moshiach...and an American Invasion

In this week's  class I went through the now-famous Gemaras in Sotah and Sanhedrin about the footsteps of Moshiach.  I discussed parts o...