21 October 2024

Hear O Israel, Joe Biden is trying to kill us all

Hear O Israel, Joe Biden is trying to kill us all

The Jews have not survived for nearly 4,000 years just so the uneducated and cowardly appeasers leading the west will set the stage for the future destruction of Israel. Op-ed.

 Robert Besser is a news editor who has worked in television and newspapers in the United States, Asia and the Middle East.

If Israel bows to the demands of US President Joe Biden, all Israelis would die as every Israeli border community is wiped out by swarming Arab savages and every Israeli city is destroyed by Iranian nuclear arms. 

Too often, we have heard former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ pronouncement that Joe Biden "....has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Unfortunately, we in Israel have experienced first hand that Gates was correct about Biden.

Joe Biden’s lunatic calls for ceasefires and the survival of Hamas and Hezbollah, made even as Israel is fighting an existential war, have been clearly based upon two things.

First, he receives advice from staff who are exclusively true believers of the woke religion, with its credo that war can never, ever be a legitimate response to any provocation. 

Second, during this election year the Democrats appear fearful that every Israeli action will reveal the truth that the Biden administration has lost control of, well, everything. And particularly international affairs.

If Israel listens to Biden’s unhinged demands for ceasefires and de-escalations, it will guarantee that Hamas will be allowed to rebuild itself in Gaza, even as it loudly promises future October 7th attacks on Israel.

And listening to Biden ensures that Hezbollah will remain a permanent terrorist army that has taken over Lebanon and forever threatens Israel with hundreds of thousands of missiles, as well as tunnels reaching inside Israel.

Listening to Biden also ensures that we must fight forever-wars against Arabs in the north and south and sacrifice our best sons and daughters....forever.

Listening to Biden means that we purposely do nothing while Iran develops parity with Israel, as it brings its nuclear arms online. 

Critically, Israel has no choice but to believe what we have heard and what we have seen from Joe Biden.

Biden has disgraced his office during obscenity-filled rantings at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reports the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward. Further, we watched in sorrow for the collapsing America as Biden’s UN ambassador boycotted Netanyahu’s September 27th speech at the UN, joining with the Jew-hating lowlives who populate the United Nations zoo.

We felt the same despair for America as the ignorant Vice President Kamala Harris boycotted Netanyahu’s July 25 speech before the US Congress. At that time, she said that she had to instead attend a college sorority reunion….where her intellect was again probably over-taxed. 

What does it all add up to? It means that just as Israel is a pariah state at the Jew-hating United Nations, so it is the same illegitimate county among those in the Biden White House and the eternally antisemitic Yale and Harvard-educated US State Department.

Again, never mind what is said in Washington… Israel must only watch US actions.

Biden, and the equally weak-witted Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, think they know what is best for Israel.

But we remember that these are the same officials who planned the US surrender and retreat in Afghanistan. Prior to the withdrawal, the United States had pacified Afghanistan and only had 2,500 soldiers remaining in the country. That is fewer than are enrolled at the US military academies. 

Yet, in spite of the pleadings of top US policy makers, the leaders of the US Congress and even the always-surrendering EU….crazy Joe Biden ordered an unplanned withdrawal, leaving behind billions in armaments to shore up the Islamo-fascist Taliban.

What was Biden thinking?

Is there even evidence that Biden can think?

Why would Israel trust such people with our own life and death decisions?

How about the White House commitment to oppose aggression and maintain the world order? Biden has rarely taken action, in the face of third world Yemeni tribesmen shooting Iranian missiles and closing down international shipping lanes in the Red Sea. The same US appeasement has followed after 100 Iranian attacks on US troops in Iraq, Syria and Jordan.

And for all of the White House crying about Palestinians in Gaza, they certainly have shed no tears for the 14 million Afghan women who are today enslaved in Afghanistan, a Moslem prison, because of the cowardly US retreat. 

This is also the same Biden gang that has prevented Ukraine from waging an offensive war against the invading Russians. Rather, they restrict how Ukrainians can use American weapons, guaranteeing that young Ukrainians are forever fed into battlefield meat grinders.

So it has been the same with Israel, as the Biden administration has over and over sought to handcuff the IDF by slowing the delivery of armaments, despite written obligations. And now it is threatening to shut them off if Israel doesn't allow humanitarian aid - that is stolen by Hamas.

Among the horrifying questions we must one day face is how many Israeli soldiers have died unnecessarily because, as Biden demanded, we paused the war in Gaza? 

Instead of overwhelming the Hamas terrorists, forcing them to run low on arms, food and water, our ally the United States demanded that Israel stop fighting so we might provide humanitarian relief, thus allowing Hamas to rest, feed their troops, re-arm and build new fortifications from which to kill Jews.

Just imagine, had President Biden ordered General George Patton to pause his war in 1944 to allow the retreating German army to catch their breath and rearm, be assured that Patton himself would have lobbed more than a few shells into the Biden White House.

And would President Biden have dictated to Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill how US arms could and could not be used in World War II?

If Israel had forgotten, it certainly re-learned the truth about our continued existence during the past 12 months. 

For only we, alone, can guarantee our survival. 

No western allies, no United States, no European Union…..nobody, nobody, nobody can be relied upon to ensure we overcome our enemies.

In 1948, the US Pentagon and State Department told Jewish Agency officials not to declare a state because the Jews would be butchered by the invading Arab armies. Well, so much for those American experts.

In 1967, no less than the Jew-hating French war hero Charles DeGaulle demanded that Israel not strike first against the Arabs. So did US President Lyndon Johnson. But imagine the state of our Jewish world over the past 57 years had Israel obeyed.

And we should not forget that in 1973 it was the US that opposed Israeli war aims when they saved the encircled Egyptian Sinai army from annihilation and a complete Israeli victory.

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