29 October 2024

What Are Israelis Saying.......

קריאה פומבית לפיקוד העליון ולקבינט: די לרצח!

חובה מוטלת על כולנו לקרא לפיקוד העליון, נא התעוררו, חדלו נא מאטימותכם, מתפישותיכם הפסולות שגבו כבר כל כך דמים, עזבו נא את תפישותיכם שהוכחו כפסולות עד להחריד

כמי ששולח מאות (אם לא יותר) תלמידים וקרובים וחברי קהילה לקו ראשון מראשית המלחמה

כמי אניחש חובה יום יום לחוות דאגה בלתי פוסקת לכולם בתפילה לפני הקב"ה ומבקש כל רגע שיציל אותם בכל מקום שהם.

אלא שלא זו בלבד שתלונותיהם המגיעות אליי הולכות ומתגברות בעוצמתן, אלא שאנו עדים לנפילת חיילים כל כך רבים, אבות למשפחות, אנשי רוח וערכים נפלאים מלאי מסירות נפש עליונה, ולא ניתן עוד לצמצם דאגתנו לתחום התפילה, וחובה קדושה מוטלת על כל אחד מאתנו לבחון כל דרך אפשרית לשים קץ לקטל הנורא  הזה.

שלא ייאמר לנו, שזה המחיר שכל מלחמה תובעת, לא נכון הדבר, כי עדויות חיילים כה רבים מצביעות על ניהול מלחמה פושע בצורה בלתי  נסלחת.

Read more:פנייה-לפיקוד-העליון-ולקבינט-די-לרצח

GOOGLETRANSLATE :  A public call to the High Command and the Cabinet: Enough of the murder!  We all have a duty to call out to the High Command, please wake up, please stop your opacity, your invalid concepts that have already cost so much blood, please leave your concepts that have been proven to be [...]horrifically wrong

* * * * *

There is a prophecy about this. 

Can anyone find it?? [re many orphans & widows in the End of Days]

Fallen Soldiers Leave 74 Children Orphans This Month (just THIS month)

Friends share children's reactions, as numbers of orphans climb.


* * * * *

and this is from: 

Here is a machine translated snippet of some of Rabbi Dr Eliyahu Zini, head of the Hesder Yeshiva in Haifa:

Not only are the complaints coming to me increasing in intensity, but we are witnessing the fall of so many soldiers, fathers of families, wonderful intellectuals and values full of supreme soul devotion, and our concern for prayer can no longer be reduced, and it is a sacred duty of each of us to examine every possible way to end this terrible carnage.

Lest we be told that this is the price that every war demands, this is not true, because the testimonies of so many soldiers suggest [the manner in which] this war is being waged is unforgivably criminal.


Already in Sivan, the day after the Sabbath in which ten soldiers lost their lives, I published an article in which I accused the military and political leadership of actual murder. 

It is hard to know who is to blame for this terrible, never-to-be-forgiven bloodshed, whether the entire cabinet is made up of U.S. slaves, or the High Command. (And maybe both?)


NOTED ELSEWHERE:  "Unfortunately, he consistently attributes the failures of Israel's political and military leadership to stupidity and arrogance.  What will it take for the Hesder world to finally realize that the leadership is at least as intelligent as they are, and that the crimes being perpetrated on our finest, most idealistic soldiers are intentional and deliberate? If one can already accuse people of (mass) murder, over a period of many years, as Rabbi Zini does, is it that big a stretch to consider that it was premeditated?"


Anonymous said...

Ad Matai ? Another 4 holly souls were taken away from us. Hashem Yakom Damam.
And how they were killed ?
"The were killed by an explosive device,
They entered a building to clean and scan the area in Jabalya at 3 a.m"


Neshama said...

We're losing the best of our Young and not so young Holy Neshomas. I just hope they are indeed in a very high place, as some have seen and returned to inform us.

Anonymous said...

Neshama, I am sure those holly souls are in very high places.
What did you mean
"as some have seen and returned to inform us" ?

Neshama said...

Victoria: I've posted videos describing holy soldiers passing into Shamayim, then seeing their comrades, and then coming back to the world of action.

Anonymous said...

so, why are we still fighting under these corrupt leaders? why not make conditions- we will risk our lives and well-being for only God fearing and honest leaders. why are we not doing that by the hundereds and thousands?

Neshama said...

That's the million dollar question??? Nobody will come out in public to go against this preposterous situation, afraid of retaliation. There needs to be ONE BRAVE SOUL to take a public and vociferous stand. But where is he??

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