23 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: The Life of a Hostage, A Mother Cries Out, and much more

There has been so much thought and energy devoted to hostages over the last year. Let's take a closer look at what it means to be a hostage.

As with prisoners and slaves, hostages are completely subservient to the masters of their domain. If they enjoy limited freedom of movement, they are very fortunate. Under no circumstances are they free to leave. Any attempt to do so will result in extreme punishment and worsening conditions from that point forward.

Their time no longer belongs to them. Their masters decide their schedule from morning to night, including when and if they eat or sleep. Any “free time” they enjoy is at the whim and good graces of their master, and can be revoked at any time. Hence, they do not really have any free time. They are not free at all.

Indeed, the master grants them leisure time, food, and other basic amenities not for their sake, but his own. After all, the master has a vested interest in keeping the hostages alive and reasonably healthy. It is for this reason and this reason alone that he invests resources in them. They are commodities, like animals or expensive toys, not human beings with souls. Their personal and spiritual wellbeing as human beings are of interest to him only to the extent that it serves his interests. Accordingly, the master will invest in them the minimum required to extract the most value from them.

As with prisoners and slaves, they may be forced to perform labor or various tasks for the masters. This increases their value and serves as a constant reminder that they are subservient. They will sometimes be given degrading, frustrating tasks that serve no actual purpose, except to remind them of this.

Like prisoners and slaves, hostages are not free to choose what they wear, and will often be dressed in uniforms for the sake of identifying them, stripping them of individuality, and, by extension, dehumanizing them. They will often be identified primarily by a number instead of their name to further dehumanize them.

They are not free to ever question the commands they are given, let alone hesitate in performing them, or disobey. Any display of rebelliousness, no matter how small, is likely to result in extreme punishment.

Any display of individuality, independent thought, critical thinking, assertiveness, and fear of a Higher Power that supersedes the authority of the masters is an act of rebellion that threatens the master/slave dynamic. The master will use physical and psychological torture to break the hostage/slave/prisoner who asserts himself as a spiritually free human being.

The master may order the hostage to perform dangerous, life-threatening tasks. Even if the order seems unreasonable, and the task can be performed in less dangerous ways, the hostage is not free to challenge or refuse the order. His life is not his own.

This is the life of a hostage. This is the life of a prisoner. This is the life of a slave.

This is the life of a soldier.

*   *   *

The following testimony is shared with permission, anonymously, because deep down even the most obedient peasants live in terror of the “holy” people who are “protecting” them.

My son finally came home after the tragedy/trauma of the bombing of his army base's cafeteria.  I just want to mention the level of gaslighting that happened with this event where 4 soldiers lost their lives and many others were seriously injured.  We know it's bad here, but sometimes, I don't think we realize how bad.  My son's training group was in a field outside the base when it happened.  They were told to find a bush and hide for 2 hours afterward.   They weren't told what happened, just that there was an attack on the base.  Then they were told to return.  

During those 2 hours the soldiers that were near the cafeteria put their dead, torn, shrapnel laden friends on helicopters. Still with blood on their hands, frozen with shock, they were told to go on their scheduled  training.  From that moment, the tragedy was NEVER mentioned again. The cafeteria was sealed off, Arab workers were brought in to restore it and the soldiers ate from prepared packages in their rooms.  The event was NEVER addressed, never referred to again, there was never a moment of silence for the fallen,  or any sign that it even happened. They were never told the names of the guys who died or any details.  When they asked questions, they were told ," we are Golani.  We are tough".  End of conversation.  

They meet in formation a hundred times a day to get lectured on all kinds of things, but never was it mentioned anywhere. They are not allowed phones, so they couldn't even learn who, what, where from social media ( which should not be the way to learn, but there was no other way offered to them)  until late late that night when they had a few minutes to look things up before going to bed at 2 am.  That's where they learned what it was and who died.  

The kids who were allowed to come home for Shabbat, left there feeling confused, abandoned, hurt that no one cared, gaslighted and not sure who's side the army was on.    

Clearly orders from the top were to pass it all off as nothing.  Also Oct 7, one year later, went over as a regular day.  Not one mention or acknowledgment.  Many of these kids, from the south, were directly involved , have friends and loved ones who were killed, and it was as if there never was an Oct 7 massacre.  
God help us.
End of quote.

Meanwhile, while the Mockingbird media had everyone celebrating the Sinwar psy-op, over 60 of our finest fighters were maimed or killed over the weekend.  Look over there!  A weird video of some guy they're calling Sinwar supposedly being killed!  Yay!  

God help us, indeed.

*   *   *

What was the target of this Iron Dome missile?

What was the intended target of this "Iron Dome" that was fired from within Israel?  How long will advocates for the devil claim it was an invisible Hezbollah rocket in the sky, and not where the missile went directly towards (the people and land of Israel itself)?

*   *   *

You want evidence that a drone from Lebanon somehow scored a direct hit on the Prime Minister's home?  

By golly, here you go, straight from the State Censor himself! 

I think they're just trolling us at this point.

*   *   *
The IDF is teaming up with the Ministry of Health, the United States, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum to launch a new pilot program.  

All (Jewish) soldiers, reservists, and anyone who received a draft notice can receive an immediate, permanent exemption, in exchange for having one limb amputated, one organ donated, and a sperm donation.  

Unlike being ordered into booby-trapped buildings and ambushes, full anesthesia will be provided.  Think of it as a sort of plea bargain.  

It will all be over in less time than it took the IDF to respond on October 7.


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Neshama said...

SIXTY (60) SOLDIERS!!!! How did this happen, why did it happen??

Anonymous said...

Regarding that letter from the mother of one of the soldiers, which can only bring tears to one's eyes that the so-called 'jewish' army would behave in such a manner. The chayalim are kedoshim putting their lives on the line for Am Yisrael. But those at the top have exposed themselves for who they really are; just as our holy Sages forewarned us about and that is the ruling class at the end of days in EY will be the Erev Rav. No feelings, no G-D, no compassion and, seemingly, as we can all see, they are in cahoots
with others, even with enemies. We know from our teachings that 'our' people are bnai Rachmonim, baishanim & ma'aminim in Hashem & that says it all.

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