21 October 2024

Your Succah Doesn't Have a Safe Room...and much more

 This week's Torah class is packed with fundamental wisdom from Tanach, the Gemara, Midrash, the Peleh Yoetz, and Sefer Habris about how to deal with worries and sadness.  Hint: it's quite the opposite of what the Erev Rav and their controlled media want you to do.

The recording is available here.

Also, if you missed last week's class about the signs from Chazal that Moshiach is on the way, I highly recommend it.  I offered explanations of many of these signs that seem plainly obvious and unique to our times, yet are somehow "novel" interpretations that you won't find anywhere else.  The recording is available here.

Please check it out and share.
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People are seriously buying the "news" that a drone from Lebanon attacked Bibi's home?  The lies are getting more ridiculous by the day.  Anything to justify the meat grinder.

On that note, this is what happens when fake news outlets, fake rabbis, and false narratives collide:

How did I guess this "leading rabbi" shilled for the shots?

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Roni Eshel is one of the female spotters who was murdered by Hamas proxies at a base in Nahal Oz on October 7. Her father, Ayal, corroborates what many have been reporting from day one: the attack did not begin at 6:23 AM as the regime claims. It started at approximately 2 AM. The entire official timeline never made sense, and is a lie, a cover-up.

Ayal reports that already at 3:45 AM there was a meeting with the Prime Minister's military secretary and many other senior officers. They knew everything that was happening. At that early hour they moved forces to a base in Tel Aviv to protect their own, but were, of course, too "surprised" to move forces to the south and protect the people until sufficient bloodletting was permitted to justify the "war" that resulted. The "war" itself is just another link in the chain of planned events to advance a larger agenda of betrayal in the name of progress and protection.

Accept reality and deal with it accordingly.


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How many Molech sacrifices were offered up in Gaza and Lebanon by the Erev Rav today?  What did we get in exchange for the daily blood offering?  How are we better off after more than a year of blood offerings?  

If the best you can manage is a thoughtless "We'd be far worse off without them", you sound just like so many fools who suffered heart attacks, strokes, etc. from the miracle shots, and made the same baseless, utterly insane rationalization.

Share with your brainwashed friends and ask them for a thoughtful response.  I don't mind being the bad guy.


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