18 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Where are you safer?...And a Knesset Member admits the color war is an act

Where do you believe you would be safer?

1. With the Chafetz Chaim at his table

2. In a "safe room"

Where do you believe you will be safer on Wednesday night and the entire following week?

1. In a "safe room"

2. In a Succah

You know what the correct answer to both these questions is.  

But be honest with yourself.  Do you actually, truly, deeply believe it?

If not, therein lies much of the problem.

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Knesset Member admits the color war is all a show for the camera

In this short video, Knesset Member Matan Kahana gives us a brief tour of a special lounge that surrounds the Knesset plenary. It's called the "parsa", which means horseshoe in Hebrew. Presumably this is because of the shape of the corridor, or because this is where the puppet leaders go to trample on the people.

As Kahana states: "The parsa is the antithesis to the arguments and shouting that go on in the plenary. How can this be? Because only Knesset members are permitted to enter the parsa — no journalists, no cameras. Therefore, in the parsa it's possible to see Knesset Members from all the factions, Charedim, Arabs, Jews, leftists, rightists, all sitting together in brotherhood, peace, and friendship.

"And I say that if we, the representatives of the people, 120 Members of the Knesset, can live in such peace with one another without cameras, all the people can live in peace with each other. I wish the State of Israel would behave like the parsa.”

What?! You mean all the Knesset members are just putting on a performance for the media and the cameras, who are in on it and dutifully play their role? You mean Ben Gvir and Smotrich actually sit and chill with their Arab counterparts after dishing out inflammatory sound bites for public consumption? You mean the Charedi puppets sit with Lapid and Lieberman like friends and brothers after demonizing each other's constituents? You mean Bibi sits and jokes around with the leftists that are trying to bring down him and his "right wing coalition”?

You mean the whole color war is all a big act, and they are really all working toward the same agenda while pretending to represent you and advocate for you? You mean they get their marching orders and rehearse their lines, divide the people and turn them against each other, then go to the lounge and laugh about how stupid the people are?

Where's the evidence? Right from the horse's mouth, standing in the horseshoe.


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The brainwashing to worship the state and the IDF is so deep that even many people who were on the ball with covid and the shots have become very hostile toward me for slaughtering these sacred cows.  The cognitive dissonance is incredible to see.

They should make a vaccine for Stockholm Syndrome.

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The vast majority of people are willing to acknowledge the "gross stupidity" of the regime, and even acknowledge to a small extent its wickedness.  And yet they will keep voting, keep sending their children to the IDF, and keep supporting the regime no matter what.  Literally, no matter what.  There is no red line, no breaking point, where they will stop doing the same things and expecting different results, let alone make a fundamental change in the relationship.

Many people have been referring to this phenomenon as mental illness, but that absolves these people of responsibility for their actions.  This is incorrect.  They are most definitely responsible for their actions and the ramifications they have for them and others.

Many people have also been blithely remarking that "Hashem has a plan".  Duh.  Of course Hashem has a plan.  So what?  People still cannot willfully blind themselves, make themselves into easy prey, and expect miracles to bail them out.  

One way or another people have to wake up, either the easy way or the hard way, and do real teshuva, which includes fundamentally changing their orientation and their behavior.  How about we stop doing it the hard way already?  

What's easy in the short term is most painful in the long term, and what's difficult in the short term is the only way out.  The longer people wait, the more painful it will be, with nothing to show for all the sacrifices.

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While "Never Again" suckers are sending their loved ones to be maimed and killed for nothing, while they run to their "safe rooms" every time Pavlov rings a bell, Ramat Gan, Bat Yam, Hadera, and other major cities across Israel are dividing the population into 15-minute cities (i.e prisons, ghettos, camps).  How safe, clean, and convenient!

Keep digging your own graves and getting angry at the people who warn you.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That Kahana minister is a piece of work; he's the one that wants to change Torah laws. He as well as the rest of the Erev Rav are happy to
have this 'wonderful relationship' which is the antithesis of Torah Law which
commands us to be a nation that dwells alone.
The real reason for all this play acting is as you have already noted a # of times - is their milchamah is against the real G-D fearing Jews, not the vicious
enemies of our people.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I have been saying the exact same thing. I was disgusted when I saw updates right before Succot from Home front Command that if there is a siren and you are in a Sukkah get to a shelter. Sadly so many religious follow this. The same evil Eruv Rav Amalekites as COVID and they just don't get it. I have ways believed that Ben Give and Smotrich are total frauds, and Smotrich is even more questionable as during COVID he was a big proponent of tyranny towards the unjabbed.i tend to think he leans towards the Eruv Rav side.


ARI GOLDWAG Happy Inside (English) ארי גולדוואג - השמחה מבפנים (גרסת אנגלית)    Lyrics:  To see the good when its raining to go the day with...