30 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Break Out of the Ark, and Lots of Important Info

 Break Out of the Ark, and Lots of Important Info

In this week's Torah class we learned many important lessons, including:

  • Why were women given three specific mitzvos, and what does that teach us in general about atonement?
  • Why do women encircle men?
  • How would Avraham have probably exited the ark, in contrast to Noach, and how can we apply this lesson?
  • What are three reasons why Hashem brings tests and suffering upon the righteous?
  • What's the big deal if you taste a grape at the fruit store?

The recording is available here.

*   *   *

One year later: 12,000 injured soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon

Read the article for a detailed breakdown.  It's sandwiched between all the glorious "We're winning!" propaganda.  You're supposed to feel sad and proud for all the Molech sacrifices, and then back to your regularly scheduled feel-good brainwashing.

I warned about this from day one.  Everyone who reacted with hubris or hostility should look in the mirror and say "My support helped make this possible."

Ominously: "According to estimates in the Rehabilitation Department, by the year 2030 there will be 100,000 IDF veterans, 50% of whom are mental health patients."

The Amalekites and their Erev Rav puppets have a lot of plans in mind for 2030, as I recall.

Are y'all having buyer's remorse yet, or you still want to feed your fantasies and double down on the meat grinder?  What will it take for you to see things differently and react differently?

*   *   *

Courage and bravery, or blind obedience and lack of courage to go against

 authority and indoctrination even if your life depends on it?

In a perverse way, this statement is true.  If Jews were unwilling to blindly follow

authority and die for nothing, the Erev Rav state as we know it could not continue 

to exist.

*   *   *

The IDF released a video of the "killing of Sinwar" - which turned out to be a

 recording of another event

Oops, that video of them killing Sinwar wasn't actually real after all (another lucky

guess).  But they really killed him.  And we're a lot better off because of it, even

 though no one can tell the difference. And you should continue trusting them, no 

matter what.  

The next time they make a claim or tell a story, the burden of proof will remain

 squarely on the people who don't trust them.  Any photo or video the establishment

 produces shall immediately be taken as conclusive evidence, and whatever

 evidence or challenges the skeptics bring to the table will be casually dismissed

 with jeers and scorn.  

And so it shall continue.   Every single time.

Meanwhile, how many more Jews were maimed and killed on dubious missions

 in the name of "keeping us safe"?

*   *   *

HESDER rabbi calls on the IDF high command and the cabinet to stop murdering

 our soldiers

Rav Eliyahu Rahamim Zini is the Rosh Yeshiva of a Hesder Yeshiva in Haifa and

 former rabbi of the Technion.  Excerpts in English follow:

"Lest we be told that this is the price that every war demands, this is not true, 

because the testimonies of so many soldiers point to the conduct of a criminal 

war in an unforgivable way."

"As early as 2018 in Sivan, the day after the Sabbath in which ten soldiers lost 

their lives, I published an article in which I accused the military and political 

leadership of actual murder. It is difficult to know who bears the terrible 

responsibility that will never be forgiven for this bloodshed, is the entire cabinet 

made up of US workers?"

Referring to October 7: "The bearers of the greatest responsibility are...all those 

who on the night of Simchat Torah last year did nothing to prevent or at least 

reduce the terrible disaster"

"The General Staff sends them to occupy parts of the Gaza Strip, and then 

demands that they withdraw. And since the terrorists are more intelligent than 

him, they return to their place, these soldiers imbued with endless dedication 

for our people are sent again a second, third, fourth, and sometimes even a 

fifth time to conquer at a terrible cost of blood every time."

Unfortunately, he consistently attributes the failures of Israel's political and military 

leadership to stupidity and arrogance.  What will it take for the Hesder world to 

finally realize that the leadership is at least as intelligent as they are, and that the 

crimes being perpetrated on our finest, most idealistic soldiers are intentional 

and deliberate?

If one can already accuse people of (mass) murder, over a period of many years, 

as Rabbi Zini does, is it that big a stretch to consider that it was premeditated?

*   *   *


Lovely pyramid the state erected to commemorate the 

victims of the music festival on October 7.  Just another 

innocent coincidence that doesn't mean anything.  

Go back to slaving and arguing with each other while 

the walls close 

in a little more around all of you.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like most everywhere in the world, these countries are now being led by the rabid leftist radicals who are destroying civilization and its G-Dliness. The people seem to always act as sheeple and this allows things to get worse and the nimrodian leaders become bolder and dictators.
That is why first these amaleikim & erev rav amaleikim see to make life easier
with all its luxuries and technology so the people eventually get mentally and emotionally weaker (psychological gas lighting, etc.) and are no longer as strong as their fathers and grandfathers were and do not stand up against the tyrants. Therefore, under false pretenses like 'democracy', the people seem to forget & do not realize they have been taken over and there goes democracy.
We are at the end of days and soon our redemption will come and Hashem will fight the last battle and all the evil will go away forever.

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