11 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Tracing the missiles from "Iran"... what to do about the situation?

 A reader who has gradually come around to my perspective on October 7 and related events asked me what we should do about it.   She suggested that we should daven harder for Moshiach.

I replied that davening is wonderful, of course, but there are actions we need to take as well.  If our actions contradict our tefillos, we cannot expect our tefillos to be answered.

Here is a succinct list of suggestions:

1. Stop "supporting the IDF" and "supporting Israel".  Support the Jewish people, but not these entities that work against our people.

2. Do not join the IDF and do not "just follow orders".  Understand that you are led by wicked people and useful idiots following orders from wicked people.  Do not aid and abet their agenda, and do not endanger your life for it. (Individual soldiers are not the enemy, but the institution. Individual soldiers are sheep being used to advance a larger agenda before being led to the slaughter.)

3. Do not depend on the controlled media for "news", information, or to shape your views.

4. Do not comply with their instructions to "keep you safe".

5. Do not allow them to keep you in a constant state of fear and to otherwise manipulate your emotions.

6. Do not allow them to divide the people on the basis of left/right, religious/secular, Dati Leumi/Charedi, etc.

7. Education, awareness, unity, and a mass return to Hashem.

*   *   *

The author of the article in Ynet touting Israel's opportunity to "lead a new world order" is someone by the name of Rami Simani.  See more about him here.

By some crazy coincidence he's a big player behind those "luxury" towers of Bavel that are springing up all over the place, and which are definitely not intended to be prison cities for serfs who will own nothing and be happy.

Like I said, people see the script before them and refuse to accept that anything on the stage is planned and coordinated.

*   *   *

The following information and analysis comes from a researcher.  Make of it what you will.

This is a tweet sent out by 'official Israel' of rockets falling over the Kotel last Tuesday.

Useful, but you can actually 'place' the Kotel on a real map, and then see the direction the rockets are coming from.

I.E - the opposite direction of Iran.

So, who really fired those rockets at Israel last week? This is my pick:

*   *   *

A reader shared this image from the Times of Israel and noted: "Interesting comment that violated The Times of Israel policy".  

To make it clear, someone replied to a comment that was subsequently censored.  It's obvious from the reply that the censored comment stated the one conclusion about the events surrounding October 7 that we are not allowed to draw: that it was deliberate and coordinated.

It's especially noteworthy considering The Times of Israel plays the part of "ultra left wing media", yet they too are covering for the regime when it really counts.  The left/right game is color war. It isn't left against right; it's all of them against us.

*   *   *

Finally: Another Attack in Judea and Samaria Because of a Confiscated Weapon

English follows the Hebrew.

More stupidity, negligence, and intelligence failures from the Erev Rav regime and the fake-Jewish army.  And this is only one of countless such examples.  But none of it, let alone all of it, could possibly be deliberate and orchestrated. 


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