10 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Whitewashing Evil

Many people have gotten angry at me for continuing to post with great conviction about the events of October 7, the overall agenda of the resulting "war", and the true nature of the fake-Jewish state.  Many people have gotten angry at me for saying very harsh things about the many rabbis — some of whom are big names — who pushed the masks and poison shots (to this day without remorse).  Many people have even gotten angry at me for warning that Trump isn't coming to save them — just the opposite.

This week's Torah class is especially for them, and for all those who need to respond to people like them.

The class ends at about the 50-minute mark, and is followed by a very interesting discussion with Lowell, including stories about the mafia and when the New York Times interviewed me for an hour, and got nothing of what they wanted.

The class is available here.

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Surveillance soldiers warned of Hamas activity on Gaza border for months before Oct. 7 (October 26, 2023)

I'm sure it was all a big misunderstanding.

People try so hard to talk themselves out of the truth staring them in the face that this was deliberate and orchestrated.  The truth can be painful, but going to such great lengths to refuse to accept it is a mental illness, with very dire consequences.

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The winners write the history books.  And the orchestrators of massacres make the ceremonies.

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Full Hebrew article appears here.

The subhead in English is "From an Iranian attack to changing the face of the Middle East: how Israel can lead to a new world order".

The author is someone by the name of Rami Simani.  See more about him here.  Simani is a big player behind those "luxury" towers of Bavel that are springing up all over the place, and which are definitely not intended to be prison cities for serfs who will own nothing and be happy.  [emphasis: blogger]

What a crazy coincidence. 

People see the script before them and refuse to accept that anything on the stage is planned and coordinated.


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