01 June 2024

Wake Up ISRAEL and Smell the Disaster

 Strongly advise reading and then spreading this to everyone you know who will benefit from this:

The Chilling Truth about What Happened the Night BEFORE October 7th

The Israeli Jewish People need to take back their government and institute changes to “clean house”!
Plus bring those responsible to a military tribunal.


Anonymous said...

Hard to believe but how true and this news just proves what we basically knew already.
This is exactly what JP has been warning us about and giving us the facts. The upper
echelons of the military were literally acting as bogdim. No surprise, remember when
Olmert (uch) used to say 'we're tired of winning'. This is what is called total 'INSANITY'.
WHERE THERE IS NO FEAR OF G-D, there is no soul, definitely not a Jewish soul.
These are the souls of the Erev Rav!
Tribunals are a MUST. These are not mistakes nor negligence but literally, 'retzach'.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

"The Israeli Jewish People need to take back their government" Which Israeli Jewish people? The Tel Avivian leftists, secularists, communists who believe only they have the inherent right to govern this country? Or we Jewish Israeli, the followers of Torah and HKBH? It is not such a simple matter as, " the Israeli Jewish people need to take back their government." If the erev rav succeeds in overthrowing the current medinat, I can promise that what comes next will be much worse.

Neshama said...

The more widespread who did what (IDF HEAD) and why they did what they did ( DEMOCIDE) more Israelis will have to decide what side they’re on, and then after that Birrur THE NEXT STEP IN OUR GEULA will proceed.
You leave out that this could be exactly what HKB”H needs/wants . You leave out HaShem in this equation!
HE is running the world and everything is going as planned!

BTW did you read the timesofisrael research article linked in the Mayim Achronim article?
Very good fact finding!

Neshama said...

If you can, listen to the last 15 (start about 30) or so minutes of Rabbi Weissman’s Erev Rav video. Very interesting, he brings the incident of Korach and his sons and the miracle that Hashem does for them. Plus more…..

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...