16 June 2024

Why the Jews Merited to Be Arranged in Banners Similar to The Angels

when i opened my computer this morning, this page popped up; 

and i do not know from where this was taken, 

but it relates to Parshas Naso and maybe what is transpiring in Gaza now

Why the Jews Merited to Be Arranged in Banners Similar to The Angels

ִ א י ׁ ש ַ ע ל ִ ּ ד ְ ג ל ֹ ו , ְ ב ֹ א ֹ ת ת ְ ל ֵ ב י ת ֲ א ֹ ב ָ ת ם , ַ י ֲ ח נ ּ ו ּ ְ ב ֵ נ י ִ י ְ ׂש ָ ר ֵ א ל ו כ ו '

(ב ב)

The Children of Israel shall encamp, each man at his division, according to the banner of their fathers' house...advantage which the Jews had over the other nations; i.e. the presence of Hashem's Shechinah in their midst, the Torah that only the Jews merited to receive at Har Sinai, or the Holy Bais Hamikdash.


בשעה שנגלה הקב"ה על הר סיני, ירדו עמו כ"ב ,tells us (במדב"ר ב' ג') 

The Midrash רבבות של מלאכים שנאמר רכב אלהים רבותים אלפי שנאן, והיו כולם עשוים דגלים דגלים וכו' כיון שראו אותן ישראל שהם עשוים דגלים דגלים, התחילו מתאוים לדגלים, אמרו אלואי כך אנו נעשים דגלים כמותן וכו'. אמר להם הקב"ה מה נתאויתם לעשות דגלים, חייכם שאני ממלא משאלותיכם וכו'. מיד הודיע הקב"ה אותם לישראל, ואמר למשה, לך עשה אותם 220,000 ,

When Hashem revealed Himself at Har Sinai - דגלים כמו שנתאוו.

The Midrash )'במדב"ר ב' ה( expounds on a Passuk in Shir Hashirim, and calls attention to these banners, under which the Jews encamped while traveling in איומה כנדגלות. ובמה אתם כנדגלות, בדגלים שנתתי.the desert לכם. ודוד רואה ואומר, לא עשה כן לכל גוי אלא לעמו. הה"ד איש על כנדגלות 

The Midrash understands the word[ - דגלו וגו'. in this Passuk to mean 'like angels who are arranged by banners'.] King Shlomo states that Hashem praises the Jewish People as follows. "You Israel are awe inspiring as an army with banners. And in what way are you as an army with banners? Through the banners that I gave you". David Hamelech in his prophetic vision saw this arrangement of banners that Hashem gave the Jews, and he said, "He did not do so for any other nation, but only for His People".

This Midrash is hard to understand, for the Passuk that the Midrash brings as referring to the banners

מגיד דבריו ליעקב, חקיו ומשפטיו לישראל. לא

says as follows

He relates His words - עשה כן לכל גוי, ומשפטים בל ידעום וכו'.

to Yaakov, His laws and His commandments to Yisroel. He did not do so

for any other nation; such commandments He did not relate to them.

Accordingly, in the context of this Passuk, it would clearly seem that

angels descended with Him, as it states, 'Hashem's entourage is twice ten thousand, thousands of angels, Hashem is among them at Sinai...', and all these angels were arranged in orderly camps, banner by banner. When the Jews saw that the angels were arranged banner by banner, they, too, began to desire to be arranged by banners. They said, "If only we too would be arranged according to banners surrounding the Divine Presence, just like the angels!" Hashem said to the Jewish People, "What do you desire? To be arranged according to banners? I swear that I will fulfill your request". Thereupon, Hashem made known His love for the Jewish People and said to Moshe, "Go and arrange them into banners around the Mishkan, as they desire”.

Accordingly, we can understand where the Passuk indicates that Dovid Hamelech was referring to the banners which only the Jewish Nation merited to. לא עשה כן לכל גוי ומשפטים בל ידעום ,For when Dovid said לא עשה כן לכל גוי ומשפטים בל ידעום 

  • He did not do so for any other nation; such judgements He did not relate to them, it implies that the reason that 'He did not do so for any other nation', was because 'such judgements He did not relate to them', it implies that the reason that 'He did not do so for any other nation', was because 'such judgements He did not relate to them’. the Jews, but did not teach the other Nations. Thus, where does the because 'His judgments He did relate to them' - the bannered camps that the banners under which the Jewish people camped while traveling in when they saw the angels descending in bannered camps. It was then the desert? Furthermore, even if we were to say that Dovid wasn't and there that Hashem swore to the Jewish People that they will merit necessarily referring to the general laws and commandments, those banners as well, while the other nations who hadn't accepted the Torah did not merit these banners

זרע שמשון פרשתנו אות א .

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