17 June 2024

STOP THIS WAR.......SEND OUR BOYS HOME.......There Will Be No Victory!

 There is no way under Shamayim that we will win this war; the IDF is only sending them to their deaths!

 We [Israel is] .... drunk on western, liberal, woke values that have nothing to do with Torah. 

Early in the war, the IDF bragged about how many homosexual "couples" were enlisting together. 

The Jewish Agency published photos and videos of toiva members. 

There was a photo of the alphabet people flag covering a tank at the Aza border. ”


With all this WOKE stuff, I don't see how Israel has the merit to win such a war. It just keeps getting worse, and the deaths are really mounting. Why don't all those perverted Generals go out and fight the terrorists; they should be sent to the front .... and then see how the rules of engagement would change!


AK said...

The Israel army exists not to defend Israel, but to simply push the woke extreme leftist agenda of the deep state anti- Torah, anti-G-d Amalekites running the country.

They are sending these soldiers into Gaza to be Korbanot. They don't care what happens to these guys.

Neshama said...

With all this WOKE stuff, I don't see how Israel has the merit to win such a war. It just keeps getting worse, and the deaths are really mounting. Why don't all those perverted Generals go out and fight the terrorists; they should be sent to the front .... and then see how the rules of engagement would change!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. If Netanyahu is serious about eradicating these pereadam, he should have already fired each & every one of these woke so-called generals. Now that he disbanded this bunch of erev rav; he should get a whole new set of G-D fearing true Torah Jewish higher ups in the military and say to he.. with everything else and go out and WIN this war - she'lo yehiyeh zecher m'soneinu. With siata d'Shmaya, we will be victorius. Hashem is waiting for us to do the right thing in His eyes (so to speak). These holy soldiers went to war for their love of Hashem, His people and His Torah in our holy Eretz Yisrael and it should not be said that 'they died in vain', r'l, c'v.
I received a news article today from someone about evidence of the Assyrian army almost 3000 years ago & how their total army of 185,000 soldiers were completely vanquished, just as our Tanach tells us happened in the times of Chizkiyahu Hamelech. Melech Chizkayu went to sleep and left it all up to Hashem and H' took care of the whole situation. The enemy army went to sleep for the night and never woke up - each & every one of them. Of course, we know that Chizkiyahu Hamelech was very righteous as were all his people under his reign; men, women and children all knew the Torah.
We need to pray that H' sends this type of a miracle to the PM and the Jewish IDF where the whole world will see the Might of G-D. This will wake up our people to do teshuvah, since these are different times now where we are at the lowest level and are the opposite of the people at the time of melech Chizkiyahu, but most of the Jews in E.Y. are wonderful Jews and only the minority are kookoo.
We should all pray for nissim m'Shamayim at this very dangerous time.

Anonymous said...

Love your last paragraph. Would be nice to see all these 'woke' generals start fighting each other; either that will wake them up from being 'woke' or doing themselves in. Their actions were/are treacherous!

Neshama said...

I don’t see that bb has done an adequate teshuva, as some are watching for.
He’s playing with fire!
WHOEVER comes after him is supposed to do the Job!
If HKB”H is leading him, and we know HE has unlimited patience, maybe, just maybe..........

ISRAEL How Bad Does it Have to Get Before You Repent

Lets get real serious  ..........the peaceful "innocent"citizens of Gaza ...... .......And you release "them" into Judea...