21 June 2024

Nursery Rhymes for Dystopian Times

Roses are red.
Chemtrails are grey.
They want us all dead
so please don't obey.

Those reigning
are misinforming,
The old man's conforming
He got his shot
And he got a clot
and they found him dead in the morning.

Normy Conformy took the vaccine
Normy Conformy altered his genes
All the kings subjects and even the queen
couldn't get Normy off his life-support machine.

There was an old sociopath
who didn't know what to do,
He said: “Too many humans!
I'll scare them with ‘bird flu’!"
Then he sprayed up their sky,
genetically modified their bread,
and taxed them and vaxxed them
until they were dead.

Bill and Klaus went up to Davos
to impose their New World Order
”Just eat ze bugs, keep taking our drugs
We'll disarm you and open your border."

Little Joe Creep,
”elected” by sheep,
puppeteered by the powers that (shouldn't) be
Behind his scripted senility
is plausible deniability,
his rogue handlers get off scot free.

Little Mr. Buffet (et al)
is also a puppet
of the predator class;
When along come We the People
and wake up the sheeple
and topple all the sociopaths.

Old McFauci pushed Big Pharma
He lied, he lied, oh
And in Big Pharma there's an agenda:
democide democide, bro.
With a death dart here
and a Schwab swab there
Doc dictators
Mengelesque vax-pushing traitors
Old DocFauci and Big Pharma
People died, democide, woe.

Don't block my sunshine
My only sunshine
How dare you spray me
or make my skies grey
You do not own me
nor the air that I breathe
So please don't take my freedom away.

This land is our land
It is not your land
You greedy villains
from Epstein Island
It's time to fight back
We'll take our rights back
and defend our essential liberties

Rock-a-bye Bibi, in your scripted war,
When Jews awaken, you they'll ignore,
We will rise up, your tyranny will fall,

And down will come Bibi, globalists and all 


Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote these realistic "Nursery Rhymes", is super brilliant.


Thank you Neshama for this post.

Observing Gal.

Neshama said...

Our R Green

ISRAEL How Bad Does it Have to Get Before You Repent

Lets get real serious  ..........the peaceful "innocent"citizens of Gaza ...... .......And you release "them" into Judea...