20 June 2024

More Water PFAS To Watch Out For


Earlier this week we highlighted the headliners surrounding the high levels of PFAS chemicals found in tap water across Australia, which incidentally, lead to discovering that these same PFAS chemicals are found in water sources across the USA—although in lesser amounts.
So we dug a little deeper on this crucially important topic given the extent of health problems which have been associated with PFAS exposure—from lowered immune function, to thyroid disease, to various forms of cancer—to uncover the additional sources of PFAS found in everyday household items we may be using.
But before we jump further into this topic, we would first like to pass on an important reminder for these times:
More and more of us are realizing that we are living amidst a silent war—no matter where we may live in the world. And with this, we are experiencing and witnessing a strategic attempt to degrade and demolish our body, mind and spirit. 
However, the key word here is ATTEMPT—because we have the power and the means to rise above it all.
This doesn’t mean putting our head in the sandIt simply means remaining conscious about where we put our primary focus, while at the same time, raising our awareness concerning factors which may impact our health during these radical times.  
So on this note, back to PFAS…
Through our research we have discovered that in addition to tap water, these highly toxic chemicals are also found in non-stick frying pansgrease-repellant food packaging (i.e. paper and cardboard used for fast food and bakery goods, including pizza boxes and popcorn bags), stain and water-resistant treatments (i.e. for carpet, upholstery and clothing), personal care products containing the words ‘fluoro’ or ‘perfluoro’, and the majority of water bottles sold in grocery stores. 
Given these chemicals slowly build up in the body over time, the best means to limit further exposure is to avoid the above mentioned products unless they specifically state ‘PFAS Free’, as well as find an additional means to filter household tap water, such as through a whole-home filtration system, an under-the-counter faucet filtration system, or at minimum, a wilderness water filtration bottle, as noted earlier this week. 
Equally important is supporting the body in the removal of toxic build up that has already accumulated in the system by supporting the body’s organs of filtration and elimination through diet and exerciseshort-term detox protocols such as juicing and colonics, as well as through all-in-one supplements which help to rid environmental toxins from the body.
Dr Zelenko’s original Z-Shield™ offers total body and mind support with all-naturalnon-pharmaceutical ingredients that does just that. Containing a unique blend of vitamin Dzinclemon balmSt John’s wortNAC, EGCG and turmeric root to help shield, protect and cleanse the body. 

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