13 June 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Hollywood Productions Everywhere

Which commandments caused the kings of the world to stand in deference to Hashem?

What the Architect says to those who think they can hide.

How do you deal with a fly in your wine?

What's the big deal which part of the Sotah's body suffers first, and what deep insight can we glean from it about the human psyche?

Bonus question at the end: Is all suffering and unpleasantness a punishment for something?

This week's Torah class, special for Shavuos: The Torah's Truth Is Our Weapon

*   *   *
It's important that we always place the Torah's truth first and foremost, because we are being bombarded with lies, propaganga, psy-ops, and Hollywood productions on all sides.  Here are a few recent thoughts and findings:

Isn't it funny how the IDF can be incredibly stupid and incompetent one day, and breathtakingly brilliant and capable the next?

It's all a Hollywood production.  We're the extras.

They really, really, really want the public to eat this narrative up — which is the clearest sign of all that it's far from the truth.

*   *   *

A Hollywood production about a scripted event.  Don't expect any peeks behind the curtain.  Oh how they mock the sheep. 

They should have called it 8 Hours.

*   *   *
The traitors needed a dramatic feel-good story to turn attention away from the controlled destruction of the north and renew support for sending Jews into the meat grinder, which is flagging.

On that note:

A pity he didn't take any bad guys down with him.

*   *   *
It's disgusting that there would be a film crew present to make a reality show out of the Shabak hostages being reunited with their families.  They have no decency whatsoever.

Then again...

Someone commented in jest that we should check if the stars of the Hollywood hostage rescue production have IMDb pages.  And whaddaya know:

Noa Argamani:

Chunhong Li (the Chinese name of her mom):

*   *   *
There's a stupid "drasha" going around, as follows: "The remarkable rescue of Noa Argamani happened on the very day that we read the Torah portion featuring the word 'Argaman' ~ B'midbar/Numbers Chpt 4:13: "They shall remove the ashes from the altar and spread a cloth of ARGAMAN purple wool over it"

Reminiscent of the people who "darshened" the English word corona to refer to Hashem's crown.  

Tell whoever breathlessly forwards this fake drasha of "ARGAMAN purple wool over it" that it should be explained to mean the wool is being pulled over his eyes.

*   *  *
And finally:

An Erev Rav production.  Produced by an...interesting character who prays to a dead rabbi (guess who) and asks him for blessings ( 

Literally doresh el hamaisim.  

Now he's making slick films about the coming of Moshiach.  Because the best place to learn about Moshiach is in movie theatres.

No red flags in any of this.  

He's bringing Moshiach via whatsapp and social media, because that's exactly how it's done:  

The corrupt celebrity rabbis in the trailer (who twisted the Torah to push the death shots and have nothing to say about it now) don't want the real Moshiach to come, because the real Moshiach will be no savior of theirs.  Just the opposite.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B'H for the likes of Rabbi C. Weissman. His posts are the best because 'you know you're reading the 'truth'. I think that the insanity of the actions of the state of Israel is so over the top
crazy that it is a sign of the end of the experiment of the leftist Erev Rav reign and it will, hopefully, soon bring us the rise of Eretz Yisrael Hashleimah with the coming of 'Moshiach'.
May it be very soon.
In the meantime, may H' have mercy on our precious chayalim and may we see miracles to their benefit protecting them from any and all evils and the total destruction of our pereadam sonim.

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