30 June 2024

One By One.....

 they are leaving us ..... bereft of Holy leaders

Zakein HaMekubalim HaGaon Hatzaddik Rav Shalom Aharon Shmueli, z’tl, passed away at the age of 106 on Shabbos morning at Shaare Tzedek Hospital.

HaRav Shmueli, z’tl, a talmid of HaMekubal HaRav Mordechai Sharabi, z’tl, was a hidden tzaddik who worked as a cobbler on Rechov Aggripas. He often stopped his work to learn Kabbalah but if anyone entered the store, he would quickly hide the sefer.

The Belzer Rebbe had a close connection with him and would visit him to learn Kabbalah.

His entire life was dedicated to the daled amos of Torah v’avodah but in his great anavah, he always stayed behind the scenes and refused to accept any honors.

His son, HaMekubal Harav Binyahu Shmueli is the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Hamekubalim Nahar Shalom in the Machane Yehudah neighborhood of Jerusalem.

The levaya took place at Yeshivas Porat Yosef in Geulah on Motzei Shabbos at 11 p.m. and continued to the Sanhedria Beit HaChayim, where the burial took place.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

we will have no recourse but to pour our hearts out to Hashem to save us from ourselves and that means ALL OF US including the 'bnei samael' before they shred all of us to pieces with their protests. 

as never before those of us who cling to HKB"H must strengthen our Emuna and Bitachon. Hashem promised ......

......and we wait


Anonymous said...

B'D'E, HaRav Shalom Aharon Shmueli, z't'l! May he be a meilitz yosher for klal Yisrael!
Such a holy man passing away on Shabbat the 23rd day of Sivan which is a special day when we
can ask our Heavenly Father to answer our prayers and such a holy person can shake the Heavens
for all of Am Yisrael & Eretz Yisrael, because this is the day written in Megilat Esther that the rasha Haman's decree to destroy the Jews was completely annulled.
We pray that this holy Rabbi Shmueli will intercede for the whole of Bnai Yisrael to be protected from our evil enemies and that our enemies from within and without will be vanquished, and just as in the days of our holy Queen Esther & Mordechai HaYehudi, the Jews went out to destroy many of our enemies and there was victory then and may we see Victory now! Amen!

Neshama said...

Wow, thank you. Didn't know that.
All the more special
I can't keep all those things in my head.
Thank you so much, you're wide awake!

ISRAEL How Bad Does it Have to Get Before You Repent

Lets get real serious  ..........the peaceful "innocent"citizens of Gaza ...... .......And you release "them" into Judea...