19 June 2024

An Update from The Zelenko Lab

 This past week headliners were circulating across Australia with the words, 

Chemicals Declared Carcinogenic Found In Tap Water
Confirmed for every state across Australia with hotspots found in the heavily populated areas of New South Wales and Queensland, these PFAS which are classified as human-made chemical compoundsare currently impacting approximately 1.8 million Australians.
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, these chemicals did not end up in tap water by accident. These chemicals ended up in tap water as a result of state and territory government APPROVAL. The same approval which has also been granted within the USA, although at lower permissable levels.
And so the obvious question is immediately raised:
How could ANYTHING that is proven to be carcinogenic be approved at ANY LEVEL in drinking water? 
Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Senior Advisor to the National Toxins Network, stated in an interview that PFAS are a ‘very nasty group of chemicals’ which have been found to be both ‘dangerous’ and ‘cancer causing’. 
She further stated that these chemicals are linked to, ‘kidney and liver diseasedysregulation of the thyroid and insulinreproductive problemsdevelopmental problems in children, and of course, cancer’. As a result of being ‘bioaccumulative’, PFAS build up in the cells and organs of the body a little at a time with ‘every exposure’, such as through drinking a glass of water.
Additionally concerning is the exposure that results through taking baths and showers, as well as consuming food that has been washed and prepared using toxic tap water. Unless there is access to well-water, a whole-home water filtration system, or at minimum, a high quality wilderness water filtration bottle, it is difficult to reduce exposure. 
So as we are being bombarded by toxic carcinogens from virtually every direction during these times, this is yet another STARK REMINDER as to the crucial importance of supporting our body in the elimination of these pathogens and toxins.
Dr Zelenko’s original Z-Shield™ helps to do just that, and remains the number one support for the body and mind during these toxic times. [...]

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