24 June 2024

After Reading About 8 Soldiers From One Hesder Yeshiva.....

Hesder Yeshiva in mourning after losing 8 students in a week

Malkia Gross, a student at the Or Etzion Yeshiva, was the eighth Hesder student to fall in battle in the past week: 'We cry for the loss of Malkia, who lived a short life but full of meaning and significance.'

The following was sent to me:

*Your Brothers' Blood

There's an ancient tradition to engrave three letters הי"ד (acrostic for השם ינקום דמו 'May G-d avenge his blood') on the tombstone of a Jew who was martyred/murdered by Jew haters. This time-honored tradition is widespread, observed by Jewish communities worldwide since antiquity.

However, it is not tolerated by the allegedly-Jewish government of the State of Israel, at least not for its military personnel.

The mourning family of slain Captain Yisrael Yudkin from Kfar Chabad requested that these letters be etched on his tombstone, but the government refused to allow it. They've consistently declined this same request from other bereaved families of fallen soldiers.

It's just three little letters and it's what the families want. Why the objection?

At first glance, the secular state objects to "May G-d avenge his blood" because it can't tolerate the mention of G-d, let alone G-d's vengeance, which violates this purportedly liberal democracy's 'ethical' code.

However, the truth is much darker.

This traditional phrase invokes Divine vengeance on an anti-Jewish enemy who spilled a Jewish martyr's blood.

This regime doesn't wish to invoke G-d's vengeance on itself.

You see, this same State that spuriously feigns Jewishness, THEY are the the true spillers of Yisrael's blood. And the blood of all the other fallen soldiers.

The 'Swords of Iron' War is a facade. It's not an effort to end bloodshed but rather to perpetuate it. In truth, every Israeli military campaign (& its pathetic aftermath) is a giant human sacrifice ritual, a democidal assault against its own. Yisrael and his fellow fallen soldiers were mass-murdered by their own government.

That's why the terrorist masterminds will never be eliminated. That's why the lives of young Israeli soldiers are endlessly sacrificed in reckless ground operations behind the guise of this regime's 'ethical' code.

In truth, these bloody operations aren't 'reckless' per se. They're scripted and executed exactly as planned. Just like the horrific carnage of 10/7 was... carried out by a democidal regime and its genocidal jihadi proxy.

Fellow Jews! The voice of our brothers' blood cries out to us from the earth. [Genesis 4:10]

They are crying out to us: 'Stand not over your brother's blood!’ [Leviticus 19:16]

'Do not bring wickedness upon the Land… because spilled blood will bring mortal guilt upon the Land…’ [Numbers 35:32, Rashi]

We must stop supporting this vile Zionist entity that seeks our destruction and that spills the blood of our children.

It is categorically forbidden to send your children or loved ones to serve this degenerate regime. Do not let them enlist or you are complicit in their deaths!

Do not rely on this government to keep you safe. They will NOT.

Instead, arm and train yourselves and your families. Stop submitting to the tyrannical dictates of this State. Reject their complicit media, education and medical systems. Reclaim your food sovereignty. Grow your own food.

Return to the Land. The LAND, not this diabolical 'State.'

Liberate the Land from them vile tyrants who contaminate it with idolatry immorality and G-dlessness, and who soak it endlessly with the blood of your martyred loves ones, mercilessly slain by their own Jew-hating sinister regime.

Let us do justice to the souls of the holy martyrs, Yisrael and his fallen friends, by preventing others from falling into this deadly trap.

May God avenge their blood. ה' ינקום דמיהם

More victims of the democidal regime's human sacrifice ritual. (Not sure if Yisrael היד is depicted here)

May Hashem avenge their blood from the real Jew-hating villains behind this satanic 'depoplulation' assault.

*Source:  R Green


Gavriela Dvorah said...

What no one as yet explained is how the military has any control over what happens after a soldier is dead! The soldier is no longer in the IDF. That's it. He's gone to shamayim. So how can they control what is written on a stone? This should be only according to the wishes of the deceased or his/her survivors.

Neshama said...

Conformity on Har Herzl (more of u no what?)

Gavriela Dvorah said...

But not all are buried there. Many are buried in their own communities. Just about every beit keverot has a military section. So, there's still no explanation.

Neshama said...

Didn’t realize that.

1. So why didn’t his parents demand to bury him elsewhere??

2. It must be revolting to anti-God people to make reference to a deity that they don’t believe in?

3. Or it’s financial?

Anonymous said...

Firstly, practically most of the upper echelon of the military are literal Erev Rav.
I forgot where I commented on this matter (thought it was this post but obviously in another
post somewhere).
I agree and also wrote what right does anyone other than family have to dictate what is written on a tombstone. I thought that maybe there was some kind of rules which they had if the soldier was buried in a military cemetary, but in no way can they have a right to dictate if it is in a regular Jewish cemetary. These radicals are totally metouraf! No limits to their evil.

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