01 June 2024

Rabbi Green: Don't Settle for the Lesser Evils *****

Let's confront an uncomfortable reality.

There are no good political options. The choice is between the lesser of two evils, but both options are evil.

The narrative goads us to take sides, but neither side is good, at least not with regard to the ruling class. 

Israelis are being told "together we'll prevail." This slogan means we should put aside our differences and rally behind the so-called unity government, to stand "together" with Bibi, Gantz, Shabak, et al, i.e. the supposedly lesser evils, in order to prevail over Hamas, the supposedly greater evil.

This historical rationale has persisted for millennia. Judah Maccabee joined a pact with Rome ("lesser evil") in his struggle against the Seleucids ("greater evil"). Peasants surrendered their liberties to feudal lords ("lesser evil") in order to be protected from greater mortal threats like Vikings and Huns. The allies joined forces with Stalin ("lesser evil") to defeat Hitler ("greater evil”).

Every American was told to “be a patriot” and yield to "Patriot Act" tyranny ("lesser evil") in order to be defended from Al Qaeda jihadists ("greater evil”).

Zionism insisted that a Jew pledge allegiance to a secular state founded and run by G-d-hating (& Jew-hating) atheists because the alternative (i.e. no "Jewish State") is allegedly worse.

Israelis were expected to overlook wholesale expulsion of Jews from Katif ("lesser evil") in 2005 in order to achieve security from suicide bombers ("greater evil"). And now they're being told to accept Orwellian 24/7 surveillance in order to be safe from 10/7-style invaders.

The establishment demanded that we yield to medical tyranny ("lesser evil) in order to be "safe” from the dreaded "covid virus" ("greater" evil).

"Public health policy" instructs healthy people to expose themselves to the allegedly lesser risks of a vaccine in order to be protected from the allegedly greater risks of covid, or measles, or chicken pox, etc.

And the list goes on.

That's the meaning of "Together we'll prevail." In today's compromised world, "unity" means complacency and tolerance for “lesser” evil, in the face of a supposedly greater evil.

This is a difficult rationale to refute. It seems corroborated by history. Didn't serfs enjoy the protection of their feudal lords? Didn't Stalin indeed liberate German death camps?

So shouldn't we now rally around the government -- as corrupt as it may be -- to save us from the "greater evil," Hamas?

No, we should not. In truth, we should never join forces with evil, nor should we ever subjugate ourselves to evil.

The rationale of siding with the "lesser" evil is inherently flawed. It's a product of a galut (exile) mentality.

Alas, we've been in exile for so long that our minds have been completely engulfed by its tunnel-vision mindset. We can't conceive of being anything but subjugated, so we might as well opt for the lesser of the two tyrants.

A free man will never sacrifice his freedom. A true servant of G–D will never enslave himself to a human overlord, especially not an evil overlord. "For the Children of Israel are Mine. They are MY servants whom I brought out from Egypt; I am G–D your G–D." [1]

Rashi: "'For the Children of Israel are Mine' — MY contract came first. 'I am G–D your G–D' — whoever subjugates them below is as if he subjugates above," for as long as a Jew is enslaved to another human being, he is not free to do the holy service of G–D Above. [2]

It's true that throughout our long exile, there were indeed times that we had no choice but opt for a less-than-perfect status quo since it was the far lesser of two evils. For example, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, called upon Jews to support the Russian war effort against the invading French. This was because he saw Napoleon as an incomparably greater evil.

However, that was not a precedent for our current times. In the Alter Rebbe's days, the status quo under Russian rule was tolerable, as difficult as it was. In our times, the status quo under the current democidal regime is intolerable. 

Furthermore, Napoleon and Czar Alexander were indeed at war. The current "war" in Gaza is mere optics. The Israeli regime is fully capable of eliminating all terrorists from the Levant, but they'll never do so. At best, the regime has consistently demonstrated its commitment to perpetuating an interminable "cycle of violence." In reality, the democidal regime is in collaboration with the genocidal jihadists.

That reality was painfully evident on 10/7, as I've lamented in previous articles [3].

Our present reality is nothing like the Jews' predicament during the Napoleonic War. At that time, there were indeed two opposing sides. In our times, both sides are tentacles of the same predatory foe.

Contemporary governments are all waging a war of democide against their citizens. Proxies like Hamas are funded and trained to create the mortal threat, the "greater evil," so that the population willingly submits to state tyranny, the supposedly lesser evil. In reality, both the government and the proxy are the SAME evil.

Moreover, the Alter Rebbe saw Napoleon and his Illuminati "New World Order" as the very epitome of evil, the satan himself, as it were. In such extraordinary circumstances, it was necessary to support the old-world Czarist establishment, as backwards and oppressive as it was. The Alter Rebbe saw through the facade of Napoleon's promised "emancipation" and realized that if his Illuminati one-world rule were to prevail, it would mean the end of Jews and the end of humanity [4].

In our present reality, supporting the government is not an effort to sustain a status quo, but just the opposite. The government seeks your destruction. In fact, the present Israeli government is nothing more than a "New World Order" pawn of the ruling class Illuminati.

If the Alter Rebbe were here today, he'd see them as the very same embodiment of evil as Napoleon. The government does NOT seek your welfare or security. Instead, it seeks to wield totalitarian control over you, subjugate you to digital enslavement, and ultimately euthanize you when their globalist overlords so decree it. The agenda is the very same as Napoleon's, "You will own nothing and be happy” [5]. Your body and soul will be surrendered to their totalitarian dystopia.

But what about Stalin and Hitler? Both totalitarian dictators, both functionaries of the Illuminati predator class, yet one actively slaughtered our people while one only persecuted them (at that time, at least). Would it have been appropriate to join forces with Stalin at that time, to prevail over the presumably greater evil? 

The answer is no, it would never be appropriate to join a Stalin, just as it would never have been appropriate to join a Hitler. They are one and the same.

Of course, one should have preferred to liver under Stalin's repressive rule rather than in Hitler's ghetto or death camp if those were the only two options, but ideally one should have opted for a third option, fleeing both or becoming a partisan.

A Jew should never join Stalin's Red Army, even if it's fighting a deadlier enemy. A Jew should never be a Communist, even if Communism is battling Fascism. Likewise, a Jew should never be a Zionist, even if Zionism is allegedly battling Islamo-Fascism.

In sharp contrast to the Red Army, however, the vast majority of the people serving in the IDF are good people, unaware of the diabolical machinations of their government. They truly believe they're defending Jews from terrorists and searching for hostages. And in fact, they are actually doing so, up until a certain point, that is, whatever is allowed by the top chain of command to give the illusion that a war is actually being fought. Sadly, these naive people are being used as chess pieces for an unholy agenda. 

Even worse, these unsuspecting young military personnel are being cynically exploited and sent into war zones on reckless ground missions. Dozens of them are being sent home in body bags daily, fodder in the regime's cruel human sacrifice ritual.

So no, a Jew must not stand together with the rogue regime of Israel. Don't stand with the democidal US government either. Neither have any legitimacy.

Just as Hitler was defeated by Stalin, we pray that Hamas will be destroyed and the hostages released. However, we must not forget that Stalin was also a megalomaniacal dictator who ultimately murdered more people than Hitler had and sought to annihilate Russian Jewry as well.

We must come to terms with the sobering reality that both Hitler and Stalin, Napoleon, Biden, Hamas, and Bibi, are all iterations of the same existential threat, all soulless henchman who do the biddings of their illuminati handlers.

This is tragically true of the entire Israeli establishment, of just about anyone in any position of influence. Chief justices, chief rabbis, chief anyone...all high-ranking freemasons with dubious loyalties.

We cannot stand together with these degenerate villains. Rather, we should ignore them. Their rule is illegitimate, as illegitimate as Hamas (both of whom were "democratically" elected, as was Hitler).

The lesser-of-two-evils rationale should be retired to the waste bin of history.

We are no longer in "galut" times. Rather, we stand poised on the very threshold of Redemption. It's time to embrace a "geulah" mindset, a liberated "redemption" perspective.

Stop settling for a "lesser" evil. There's no such thing anymore.

End your relationship with unholy government and its complicit establishment.

Stop being "together" with them. Separate yourself from wickedness.

Don't rationalize evil. Don't rally behind evil-doers. 

Rally behind G-d Almighty. Trust in Him and in none other.

Your body belongs to G-d alone. Stop compromising it with their unholy injections or any type of pharmaceutical enslavement. Their so-called vaccine isn't a "lesser" evil. It's the very epitome of evil.

Take ownership of your own security. Get armed and get trained. Join with your neighbors to protect your neighborhood. Don't rely on Butcher Bibi to protect you. He will not.

Stop paying taxes to an illegitimate regime that funds and assists genocide.

Stop drinking their Kool-Aid and their fluoride. Get rid of their GMOs and glyphosates from your midst. Tear down their 5G surveillance weapons. 

Turn off the TV and unplug. Be smart for real and wean yourself from all their "smart" surveillance technology.

Take back your food sovereignty. Take your children out of their schools (read: indoctrination camps).

Take ownership of your freedom and be a servant of Hashem alone. "For the children of Israel are Mine" and no one else's.


[1] from yesterday's parsha, Behar: Leviticus 25:55.
[2] Be’er Basadeh on Rashi ibid — Torath Kohanim 25:104

[3] See my recent posts entitled:

[4] See Igrot Kodesh of the Mittler Rebbe, epistle eight, in a letter dated beginning of 5473 (early fall 1812) to R' Moshe Meiseles: " לא יישאר שום אחד לא ביהדותו ולא ברכושו ", that if Bonaparte were to be victorious, "no one would remain, not with his Jewishness nor with his possessions."

[5] World Economic Forum's slogan for its plans for humanity in Agenda 2030.


האיש said...

, Biden, Hamas, and Bibi, are all iterations of the same existential threat, all soulless henchman who do the biddings of their illuminati handlers

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Yesterday I saw a video clip of a major (I think that was his rank) addressing a group of soldiers about their mission in Aza. The soldiers were from a combination of units and he described their mission as destroying the Hamas threat. For inspiration, he didn't quote Tanach, he quoted Jabotinsky. And there you have it.

Neshama said...

Jabotinsky was warning European Jews to leave.
He was warning about a massacre to happen!
This major was connecting WWII and 10/7
Some are calling this a mini–Shoah.
The soldiers maybe could relate more to Jabotinsky than TaNaCh
Maybe they were not dati-Leumi soldiers
Not so bad if he got his point across and they were sufficiently energized

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