06 September 2023

Shalom Pollack: Yad Vashem Surrender


The talk of firing the head of Yad Vashem, Danny Dayan has drawn inordinate attention from around the world, and as of now, it seems that the government is backing down - once again.

There is more than one story here.

Of course, there is the recurring phenomenon of the "Right" that suffers from an identity crisis or rather identity anemia.

Under the long years of Netanyahu’s leadership, the "Right" has never offered an alternative to the Left.

Quiet seems to be the goal.

To their credit, the Left knows what they do and do not want and is very clear and forceful about it.

They declare that they will not allow certain lines to be crossed - or else.

This is demonstrated today clearly.

For example, some of the Left's spokesmen in the literary and political world have warned that if an Israeli government dares to expel Arabs from their homes they would lay down before the IDF vehicles and would not let it happen. It would lead to civil war. They are truly passionate about protecting our enemies. They mean it.

The same idealists also urged the use of IDF tanks to flatten Jewish villages and expel the Jews there, or worse. They were eager for Jewish blood.

They are clear and they really mean it. That is what scares the "Right" that lacks that same determination and belief in self. (Excluding the vanguard of the National Religious camp who will one day lead this country).

The ancient Jewish value of "love of Israel '' is scorned by the Left because they scorn the source of that age-old Jewish value - our Torah.

No Torah, no love of fellow Jews. From no love to murder is a short path.

This is clearly illustrated all around us today

The Left is laser-focused on power, at any cost.

The "Right" is curbed by traditional Jewish values which prevent them from answering the Left in kind (The sinking of the "Altalena" by the Left in 1948 and the murdering "fellow" Jews in the  water as they sought to reach the shore was a heartbreaking  wakeup call )

Besides not answering the Left in kind, what does the "Right” led by politicians like Netanyahu stand for today?  Is it announcing his support for giving the enemy chunks of our land, a  "two-state solution" declaration? or giving Hevron to the terrorists? offering the Golan to Assad? voting for the expulsion of Jews in Gush Katif and delivering the land to terrorists? This is the “practical" Right" that faces the passionate Left. Who do you think will prevail?

What is the vision of the "Right”, red lines for which they will block tanks with their bodies?

This has everything to do with the current fiasco at Yad Vashem.

Why does the question of who manages a museum in Israel raise the passions of everyone from the State Department of the European Union, Germany, and "scholars" on the Left?

What is at stake? What would change at Yad Vashem if Dayan were to leave?

Dayan was a political appointee by the first Israeli government that included the "Muslim Brotherhood '' party in its ranks.

Dayan insists (clearly at the command of those who handed him the cushy political position) that the famous photo of Hitler with Amin Husseini, the "father of the "Palestinian " people" not be displayed in the holocaust museum. It once was, in the old (pre-Oslo) museum. Today Yad Vashem denies that there ever was that photo in the old museum. False.

Dayan's Masters on the Left decided to rip certain pages from the history books in order to pursue the "Oslo '' illusion of a "New Middle East ''. This includes pages from the history of the Holocaust

One of the pages ripped from history and from Yad Vashem is the original photo.

The new holocaust museum was to be Arab-friendly for the sake of (Oslo) peace.

All efforts on my part to restore the truth and the photo have failed until today.

I rejoiced upon hearing of Dayan's possible dismissal by the "Rightist" government but, alas, they backed down again. These things don't happen without the direction of the man on top - Netanyahu.

Once again, the Jewish majority sees their hopes dashed as their fearful leadership caves before a determined Left. The "Right" holds a bow with no arrows.

Netanyahu is a good pilot without a goal besides landing "safely".

The Jewish majority is waiting for a savior.

tour guide and author


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By now, everyone should realize that the state is leftism itself. The pm is a globalist. It's all connected and until Moshiach is here, it's hard to fathom breaking this stranglehold of the country because they have the backing of the nations. It will be whatever the Ribbono Shel Olam
allows to happen; maybe if the people truly show Hashem that we are determined to win over evil, the true Jews will succeed bringing in our Goel Tzedek with glory instead of, c'v, catastrophe.
Hashem Bless Am Yisrael, the true Bnai Yisrael!