08 September 2023

Rosh HaShana is Coming


The Talmud says that three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah, and thank God, I didn't write any of them. One is for the completely righteous, one is for the completely evil, and one is for the in-betweens trying to justify their existence another year before Yom Kippur. We are told that teshuvah, prayer, and tzedakah help with this a lot, averting the "evil decree."

Teshuvah and prayer are on you, but I can help with the tzedakah part by giving you an opportunity right before the Day of Judgment to contribute to I can't tell you why you should contribute to one organization over another, but I can tell you that by helping out (or Shaarnun Productions in Israel), you can make a big difference to the world of Torah, and that will make a big difference for you.

If you don't mind using PayPal, then you can contribute with this link:

If you wish to donate in shekels and receive an official Israel tax receipt, you can use this PayPal link for Shaarnun Productions:

I thank you VERY much in advance and wish you a wonderful new year, and that you and yours should be written and sealed in the Book of Life again this year, b"H. Thanks for reading.

Pinchas Winston

P.S. Anyone interested in dedicating my next book, "Truth From Heaven," should contact me at

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