05 September 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Preserving the Evidence: Rabbi Kurland of Darchei Binah, Shmuel Sackett, and Ben Gvir

This week I have three programs:

1) My weekly Root and Branch Torah class will be Wednesday at 4:30 PM Israel time.  The link to register for the live program is here.

2) Part three of my new series of Tanach classes on the material in Go Up Like a Wall, in conjunction with Machon Shilo, will be Thursday at 2 PM Israel time.  The Zoom link is here.

3) My monthly Amalek and Erev program will be Thursday at 4:30 PM Israel time.  I will be joined by Elliot Resnick, former editor in chief of the Jewish Press and host of the Ellliot Resnick show.  He was a guest previously on episode 

47. The link to register for the live program is here.

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Rabbi Kurland of Darchei Binah: Go behind your parents' backs to get the covid shots (2021)

This is a leaked recording of a talk by Rabbi Shimon Kurland in 2021, founder and dean of the Darchei Binei Indoctrination Center for Impressionable Young Jewish Women.

This was right before the Erev Rav gangsters who run Israel implemented the tyrannical "Green Passport" to temporarily restore God-given rights to those who took their poison shots, and restrict the uncrapcinated from many aspects of public life. Ironically, this would include banning Holocaust survivors from attending Holocaust Day memorials.

Kurland laid down the law, strongly encouraging and pressuring the young women under his charge to take the "vaccines". He left no room for doubt that this was their religious obligation, to the extent that these young seminary students should go behind the backs of their parents to get the shots and mislead them if necessary.

That's right, parents, for the low cost of $25,000 you can send your daughter to an indoctrination center where she will be told to disregard your concerns about dangerous medical treatments that Rabbi Kurland has decided in his great wisdom (perhaps with the aid of significant incentives) they should probably take.

Kurland noted that he made this determination in conjunction with Darchei Binah faculty member Rabbi Zev Leff, who, to the best of my knowledge, has not publicly retracted with tearful repentance in light of new information and actual Torah truth that never advised these shots even when less information was available.

Kurland concluded by mocking "the last of the Mohicans" who still believed that the shots would harm their health. "None of it's true," he stated definitively, adding that things these people sent him "have been debunked nonstop."

A few months before this talk, an article by Jonathan Rosenblum in Mishpacha Magazine (available here), both of whom relentlessly promoted the covid narrative (though Rosenblum, ever intellectual and courageous, began to express a bit of skepticism extremely late in the game, as if he was avant garde), gushed with praise for Kurland's response to the lockdowns.

Kurland was quoted as saying "A long time ago, I decided that I never wanted to live my life with any regrets as to what I should have done.”

Perhaps a citizen journalist would like to ask Kurland if he had any regrets regarding the above talk and share his response?

One more item of interest. The application for admission to Darchei Binah ($100 non-refundable fee) includes a form for a reference to fill out. Among the many "areas of evaluation" for which the prospective student is ranked on a scale of one to ten is "responsiveness to authoritative figure".

Sit quietly for a bit and just chew on that. It's not just creepy. It's terrifying.

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Be careful of the PLAN-demic Jewish Cult by Shmuel Sackett

From the preserving evidence department.  Ironically, most Kahanists have become just another group of tough-talking statists — how far they have fallen.  This screed by Shmuel Sackett sure didn't age well.  The "rabbis" he named in support of his mindless position are a who's who of Israeli "Dati Leumi" establishment Erev Rav.  They work for the enemy and they do the bidding of the enemy.  What does that make them?  

Speaking of which, this is a good time to remind people that the latest false Messiah of this world, Ben Gvir, also shilled for the shots:

Here's one otherwise stupid article in the Jerusalem Compost:

“Religious Zionist Party MK Itamar Ben-Gvir said that, with all due respect to Hota, he has his own rabbis, and he will vaccinate all his kids.”

And from the Slimes of Israel:
“This morning, I was asked why I went for a test, and I replied that it is our duty to maintain the health of those around us. If you have a doubt, there is no doubt. Go get vaccinated and get tested — it saves lives,” Ben Gvir tweeted.

And here's another tweet from him: 

I can't say with certainty that he is controlled opposition, and I would hate to be sued, but if he ISN'T controlled opposition he could hardly play the role any better.  

Be an inflammatory bogeyman to one side and a false hope to the other, tell them what they want to hear, get arrested for the cameras now and then (I witnessed this once) and attacked by the controlled media to earn street cred, but do nothing that actually changes the game (of course because they just won't let you, if only you had a few more seats, keep waiting and hoping and believing salvation will come from the elections...)

All along, advance the agenda while pretending to resist it.  Your foolish followers so desperately want to believe in you that they will rationalize away all the signs that you are leading them nowhere, and needlessly dividing the people against each other so they lose sight of the real enemy who oppresses them all.  


(Same goes for a certain former president.)


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After reading the above, I must admit that I am shocked. The list of accomplices to this Covid nightmare is growing and growing = Millions upon millions upon millions vs 600,000 neshamos (that stood at Sinai).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hate to have to agree about those mentioned above who prove now they are erev rav also.
Barry Chamish, z'l, didn't have any good things to say about Ben Gvir, whom he said was really
a Shabak agent. Also, Shmuel Sacket, I found to be a 'fast-talker' and sometimes one can associate them with double talk lawyers. Very disappointing on what is happening now at these end times but the truth must come out when it concerns the well being of our people and mankind.
It made me think, the last paragraph that you inserted above in this post mentions the 600,000
Jews (males) that left Mitzrayim, so I'm wondering are there only 600,000 real Jews now?
Frightening to think but when one delves into the horrific situation of our people that have intermarried and we see the great numbers of 'leftists' that we have within our people. I always said 'you can't be a G-D fearing Torah Jew and be a 'leftist'. It's oxymoronic.
Let's pray that all true Jewish neshamot will do teshuvah and return to our roots and Hashem
will save all of His children. May our Redemption come with great mercy and may it be very
Those pushing the samm are either tipshim or erev rav.

Against All Odds: The Miraculous Rise of Israel in This War

This Purim holiday, we must not only focus on the miracle that G-d did for us in saving us from the genocidal plan of the Persian Empire 2,4...