09 September 2023

Rabbi Weissman: Bombshells from the Torah, Cancel Culture, and the Shidduch World


Part three of my series of classes about the Bayis Sheni period and redemption is available here. It contains bombshell after bombshell from Sefer Chagai and Chazal, all of which are directly relevant to us today.

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Yesterday was a double header, as we also had our monthly Erev Rav and Amalek program.  I was joined by Elliot Resnick, former editor-in-chief of the Jewish Press, who happens to be a bachelor.  He was recently canceled by Saw You At Sinai, a popular matchmaking site, due to his participation in the events on January 6.  

We had a very interesting and candid discussion about the cancellation, SYAS's public statement in response to backlash, and how the shidduch world works (or doesn't work) in general.  The recording is available here with links to related articles in the description.

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British Court Rules That Competent & Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life-Sustaining Treatment Against Her Will

Will British Jews please tell me why they continue to live there after reading this?  It would be an insult to the victims of the Holocaust NOT to make comparisons.   

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"Orthodox" Union certifies lab-grown meat

It was only a matter of time.  I wonder if they are on a first name basis with Klaus and company.

“In addition to Genack, SuperMeat hosted Rabbi Hershel Schachter of New York’s Yeshiva University, Israeli halachic judge Rabbi Asher Weiss, and Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and Jerusalem College of Technology.” 

A murderer's row of crapcine pushers.  What a coincidence.

OU needs to be Bud Lighted and the Erev Rav run out of town.

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The Death of Informed Consent

This is why they want to ban Holocaust comparisons. 

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A doctor told me I'm going to die soon

This needs to be shared widely.  Personal story from a man in Tzfat that he posted just yesterday.  This sort of thing is happening right here, right now.  

Instead of getting manipulated by the controlled media and sold-out organizations to protest about "judicial reform" and delude yourself into believing you're "saving democracy" — it's all a farce — THIS is what should draw hundreds of thousands of people into the streets against their COMMON ENEMY and put a stop to this.

When we recognize that, for the most part, we have common interests, a shared destiny, and a common enemy, and we overlook the relatively trivial things to join together on the ground level, that's when we really start to win.  Until then, the Amalek and Erev Rav regime will continue to manipulate us, distract us, turn us against each other, tighten the screws of totalitarian control, and murder people at will to push their agenda.


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ME:  I’m adding this link here because I just found this comment that I believe was never posted in 2021. Please copy and paste the link into your browser or google and you can comment to this post if you want.


please post this message from Dr Zelenko
He named the Names
Shabbat Shalom, Victoria

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this a MUST READ for all our people!
Firstly, we must boycott the OU, as far as I'm concerned, they no longer have the right to call themselves Orthodox. When they decide to give a hechsher on something so devoid of kashrut ethics and is nauseating (& should be) to the kosher abiding Jews, then they have no right to be in charge of hashgacha on kashrut. It is unconscionable. Why in the world would they even think of participating with the evil doings of Amaleik.
We are so close to Geulah, otherwise the world cannot go on with much more chilul H'. Of course, we know Hashem will not allow the end of the world to happen and will save Am Yisrael and the righteous in the nick of time.
May this coming 5784 be Shnat Geulateinu!


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