14 August 2023

Yehonatan Pollard: IDF Must React to Religious Discrimination and Slander


What would happen if national religious soldiers, many of whom are in elite units, threatened to go on strike? Op-ed. by Yehonatan Pollard

It was recently reported that an IDF officers course at Haifa University included a slide comparing Hamas to Religious Zionism.

When I read this I wondered what would happen if national religious soldiers, many of whom are in elite units, threatened to go on strike unless such bigotry was eliminated from the military.

Apart from the improbability of such a scenario, should it occur, it’s very likely that the strikers wouldn’t be treated like the leftist protesters, who’ve been coddled and “understood”, for the most part, by our military’s high command. Indeed, any striking religious soldiers would probably be denigrated and threatened with arrest. Some might even be severely punished in order to intimidate their comrades.

So, how should the IDF react to this blatant case of religious discrimination and slander?

First, the high command should recognize the potential threat this type of biased indoctrination poses to the fighting capabilities of the army. Many religious soldiers are in elite units that form the “tip of the spear”, so to speak, of our various combat formations. We certainly don’t want them to feel that their service is no longer wanted or that their reliability is viewed with suspicion. Moreover, what are possible Charedi recruits to think of this mis-characterization of religious soldiers? It certainly wouldn’t encourage them to join the army.

Secondly, the Minister of Defense should immediately terminate all military studies at Haifa University and concentrate all the army’s educational programs into IDF controlled and supervised facilities. Unfortunately, our universities are hotbeds of treasonous leftist ideology that can’t help but undermine the patriotism of all those soldiers who are sent there for study. This should end- now!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are now at a time when there is literally a war against Hashem! There's no question nor doubt. The reshaim are determined to rid Israel of Torah Judaism, chas v'chalilah. It will never happen, B'H, but that is the goal of Amaleik; it was, it is and will be until Hashem will totally undo them.
The trouble is that even within the religious nationalist communities, we see they are supportive, enlisting into the army and are loyalists to the ones who are out to destroy them, chas v'shalom.
They must veer away from the tyrannical regime and dedicate themselves to deep tefilah and crying out to H'. They must unite as one with the ultra chareidi communities; in other words, all the G-D fearing orthodox Jews in EretzYisrael must unite as one (together with the galut orthodox communities) and we will see the undoing of our internal enemies k'heref ayin. Amen!

At this point in time, this sounds good

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