14 August 2023

Yeheil Indor in trouble chv”s IS HE IN THE SHIN BET DUNGEON??

are they so stupid that we all know they might be torturing another Jew (i.e. settler) ??

 “ Additionally, Indor’s discharge letter included an outrageous sentence: “There are no special instructions regarding the bed he will sleep on.”

Kol Yehudi journalist Elchanan Groner responded to the report by writing: “Who writes such a sentence in a discharge letter? Only a doctor who was pressured to release an injured person to police detention and allow him to be interrogated in a detention facility under terrible conditions that are not suitable for a head injury after complex surgery.”

Journalist Arnon Segal wrote: “A seriously injured lynch survivor is kidnapped from the hospital to force him to confess to a crime he did not commit. Where are you, right-wing ministers and MKs? And what are you doing now so we don’t become Sedom?”

This seems code for interrogation procedures!

Police, Shabak, Mussad covering their backs in connection with “turture”.

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