10 August 2023

This Week’s Parsha is Re’eh and my birthday parsha

 This week’s Parsha is Re’eh
Shepherd / Ro’eh 

 The word shepherd has dual meaning. It is not just about tending a flock. 

"The Hebrew word for "shepherd" is . Raah, derived from Rô'eh, means "shepherd" in Hebrew. A shepherd is someone who feeds or leads a flock to pasture. The word rea', which is an extended translation of rea', means "friend" or "companion," indicating the intimacy God desires between Himself and His people."


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Neshama !

Beautiful peaceful photo.
You do not see animal herds in the city.
We used to go hiking to Alps and it is a common site there in the mountains.
There is a special feeling when you are in the midst of animal herd.
Very peaceful, the animals are happy grazing, those big beautiful smart guarding dogs.
I am sighing, would love to be back there ....


Neshama said...

Thank you Victoria.
Yes, very peaceful, as HaShem created all beings.

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