02 August 2023

Southern Lebanon is Biblical Israel Territory


Notice to the IDF: Southern Lebanon is biblical Israel
Hezbollah is occupying biblical Israel. The current border is based on the WWI Sykes-Pico Agreement between the British and French. Op-ed.

Once again, we are seeing Hezbollah threatening us, encroaching on the demilitarized area and daring us to retaliate. In Southern Lebanon, Hezbollah has positioned thousands of rockets aimed at Israel in direct violation of the stipulations of the pact Israel agreed to after the Second Lebanon War. At the end of the hostilities, Israel was in possession of Southern Lebanon south of the Litani River. Israel retreated to its previous border based on an international agreement, which Hezbollah immediately violated.

Notice to the Israel Defense Forces, if God forbid, Israel is forced to respond to another round of Hezbollah aggression, understand clearly that when fighting in Southern Lebanon, you are fighting in biblical Israel, our historic homeland, no different than Judea and Samaria.In a number of places in the Torah, Moses looks into the land and longs to see the Hermon and its waterfalls. As renowned Professor Dr. Yoel Elitzur notes in his classic text, “Places in the Parasha,” whenever there is a definitive article (the letter hey, meaning “the”) before a place name in the Torah, it means it is part of the intended land of Israel for the Jewish people. Later, when Joshua and the Jewish people entered the land, all of the tribes met in Shiloh. The tribe of Asher was allocated Southern Lebanon from the Sidon to Mount Lebanon. Numerous ruins from the centuries when the tribe of Asher dwelled in the area are scattered throughout Southern Lebanon. Further, because Muslims kept the place names, we know the approximate whereabouts of the Jewish presence; i.e., the Asher’s villages.

Elitzur tells a story that when he was a soldier in Southern Lebanon during the First Lebanon War, they ran out of food. Fortunately, they stumbled across some dried fruit, which they quickly consumed. Afterwards, he said he was contemplating what to say for the proper food blessing to thank G-d. The after-blessing is slightly different if the food is from the biblical land of Israel, as opposed to being outside of it; within the biblical land of Israel, we say thank you for “her fruits,” meaning Israel’s fruits. Based on his correct understanding of biblical geography, he said the blessing on “her fruits.” 

Returning to our current situation, according to INSS (Institute for National Security Studies), July 12 marked the 17th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War; Aug. 14 will mark the anniversary of its end under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701. Resolution 1701 called for a ceasefire, prevention of renewed hostilities and the establishment of the area south of the Litani River as an area free of non-governmental arms. As we now know, virtually nothing in Resolution 1701, which then Minister Tzipi Livni was so proud of, was honored by the Lebanese, who have been overrun by the Hezbollah terror organization with the UNFIL’s (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon’s) tacit support.

Hezbollah is now claiming Israel is somehow occupying land along its northern border that rightfully belongs to Lebanon. The exact opposite is true; Hezbollah is occupying biblical Israel. (Hezbollah is also planning for the total elimination of Jewish presence on any portion of the land of Israel.) As background, the current Lebanese border is simply based on the Sykes-Pico Agreement between the British and French empires established during World War I.

No one is advocating that Israel should reconquer Southern Lebanon because of its biblical status. Nevertheless, the IDF would do well to understand the biblical geography in order to strengthen its resolve.

We were commanded to conquer our Land
This is a great opportunity


Anonymous said...

I've always understood that the southern part of Levanon will be part of the whole Land of Israel. I think it goes up to Tzidon; not sure.
Trouble is we have been in galut so long and Jews have veered away not only from Torah itself, but from Jewish history. The typical galut Jew (everywhere) knows more about everything else in the world than they know of their history, their people and, of course, Torah and G-D Almighty!
Shame, shame on us!

Neshama said...

Didn’t you read this

Its very strange, but in the listing of articles on the right side of my blog, this post on Nasrallah DOES NOT APPEAR, I COULDN”T FIND IT??

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Rabbi Kahane wrote last week, in his dvar Torah, that there was a dati colonel, I think that was his rank, who was in line to head the intelligence division of the IDF. He happened to say, in some outside setting, that secular Israelis are goyim who speak Hebrew. He was removed, of course, from the promotion. But, I think he was right, not about all secular Jews, of course, but a significant majority fit this description. And those are the ones leading the IDF. Did you happen to notice that the Prez went to the Golan this week, for what reason I have no idea. He has no powers other than to run around making speeches and hosting events at his residence (and attend funerals). He went with a squad of female soldiers. The entire IDF has been turned into woke convention. When war does break out, it will be obvious that our only savior is HKBH.

Neshama said...

That’s what Rabbi bar Chayim said in his 1.5 min lecture.
On my blog!
If we go into war it won’t be good

? But that would allow Shamayim to interfere!

Herzog is a traitor to his grandfather!