01 August 2023

Rabbi Kessin Yb"LC Gives Us The Scenario of The Geula and Mashiach ben David & Yemos HaMashiach

 if you havent already listened to Rabbi Kessin Shlita, please you must hear how he explains it all.


Anonymous said...

What bothers me is that many rabbis seem to bypass the origin of the Erev Rav. We know that the Erev Rav were the mixed multitude that came along to join the Jews at yetziat Mitzrayim. Their purpose and goal was not a good one but the reason was to undo Am Yisrael and the Torah. They were descendants of Egyptians and others who were not sincere, the words of Hashem 'not sincere', but H' gave Moshe the choice and we have suffered as a people for more than 3300 years because of the Erev Rav. The reason for the rabbis omitting the real origins of the Erev Rav might be because it would somehow offend those who really know they are not real Jews, etc.
The truth should be made clear to all who they really are. They are not 'bad Jews' because they are not Jews having no Jewish neshamot and, therefore, they have this capacity to hate G-D and Am Yisrael.

Neshama said...

Yes, BUT, after all these years, they have intermarried so many times, what’s left??
They had all these years. They cannot be the SAME ones?
Or are they?

moshe said...

We know there are about five categories of Erev Rav. The ones 'promoting and ruthlessly hounding the good guys are the Erev Rav Amaleikim who have no way of doing teshuvah. The others, from what I understand, can do teshuvah. Even though millenia have passed since they joined up with the Jews, they were 'never' sincere but had ulterior motives, so their conversion had no meaning. Out of the mass conversions of millions, there are some good ones who will most likely do teshuvah, but the real bad guys are amaleikim!


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