02 August 2023

Israel Has a Vindictive Supreme Court . . . That is NOT Guiding, it Is Politically Dismantling the Rule of Law


Perhaps being a Jew is "unreasonable" - does the Supreme Court think so?
"For those who go nowhere, others always go too far" seems a timely description for Israel's Supreme Court and Attorney General. Op-ed.

The reason the Left likes the Supreme Court so much is that it usually rules in ways that make it seem that being a Jew is unreasonable. That institution doesn't seem to have a problem with a "Free and ARAB Palestine" though.

And now, it is talking about striking down a Basic Law while the Attorney General, with a huge conflict of interest, is talking about taking down Netanyahu because he took part in the judicial reform debate which she ruled the Prime Minister of Israel cannot participate in because of conflict of interest. You see, the Left is having an issue with whoever has an identity, may it be Brazilian, American or an Israeli one that doesn't square with voting left..

For Lefties, having an identity is being racist. You have to be 'fluid'. One day you’re a man, the next you're a woman. 

To add fuel to the fire, Ex-Mossad chief compares Israel to KKK. Such an untruth seems to have been the straw that broke the camel's back. Defense Minister Gallant has fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. He is even willing to resign. Doing so would show total disrespect for the electorate who voted for a true right wing government. A government with a backbone. 

If Gallant has his way, Israel will end up with a government similar to Bennett's - that is - no government. And if, as Defense Minister, he can't handle such pressure, what is it gonna be like when clashing with Iran? Maybe he would do Israel a favor by giving his place to someone who truly understands that… 'In the Middle-East, get tough or get out!’ 

And if Netanyahu's Ben Gvir and Smotrich are radicals, what about Biden's Tlaib, Pressley, Omar, AOC and Jayapal? Never mind the Left's head games. Let the cry-babies foam at the mouth. It will pass. Ignore them and it will go away. That's all they want: attention. 

No, being a Jew is not being racist. Never mind the Globalefties. Be true to yourself. Be who God wants you to be. 100%! And if whiners aren't happy with that, let them cross border to Biden's US-SR. As Quebec film director Pierre Falardeau (whose films I personally dislike) once said: "For those who go nowhere, others always go too far."

Marc 'Edge' Doyon is with Légende Communication, Quebec, Canada, where he is a computer graphic artist specializing in visual communication.


Leah said...


Anonymous said...

The Sanhedrin, the building of the Beit HaMikdash will all take place once Moshiach tzdkeinu arrives. Before then, it's good to know that the people have awakened to truth and going in the right direction and they must continue to be strong which will lead us to the Geulah Shlaimah, b'mheirah b'yameinu b'chesed and rachamim, k'heref ayin!

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