09 August 2023

Elisha Yered . . . will not be released . . .yet

the struggle:  Elisha (Eliyahu) Yered (comes down)

 look how the evil ones go after a Jew to make sure he gets incarcerate because of undue and extreme pressure from a foreign government. What has happened to the people of Israel? The agency of the police act like they are subduing a terrorist, when they are really persecuting a VICTIM of 300 attackers.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday morning accepted the appeal of the Prosecutor's Office and ruled that Elisha Yered, who is suspected of involvement in the incident in the Palestinian Authority town of Burqa, will not be released to house arrest.

It should be noted that Yered will remain in custody until the hearing of his case on Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the Magistrate's Court. The hearing was set at the beginning of the week in the hearing on the extension of his detention. The decision was made after a hearing that took place behind closed doors for 20 minutes at the request of the ISA when Yered's lawyers were removed from the courtroom.

The Supreme Court's decision reads: "After reviewing the aforementioned material, and since it is a specific and targeted decision, and without expressing any opinion regarding the question of continuing the respondent's detention - a question that, as stated, the Magistrate's Court will be required to decide in light of all the material that will be presented to it - I order that the delay in the implementation of the decision of the District Court will last until the hearing at the Magistrate's Court, i.e. until today at 1:00 p.m. As mentioned, the Magistrate's Court will discuss the request to continue the defendant's arrest and make a decision as it deems appropriate.”

At the hearing, Judge Ruth Ronen wondered why it was urgent for the Prosecutor's Office to contact the Supreme Court: "If new material has accumulated, you will present it to the Magistrate's Court as usual. You should get there this morning anyway.”

The judge attacked the prosecution's request to keep Yered in custody: "It is a far-reaching step for the Supreme Court to intervene.”

Shortly before the hearing, Attorney Avichai Hajabi from the Honenu legal aid organization said: "We hope that the Supreme Court will see, as the District Court did, the scant evidence that is in the case, if there is any material at all. We hope that the Supreme Court will put an end to this saga today.”

The Israel Police announced Tuesday evening that it intends to file a request for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court against the District Court's decision to release Elisha Yered from detention to house arrest.

The police informed of the decision the lawyers Avihai Hajabi and Nati Rom from the Honenu legal aid organization, who represent Elisha Yered.

The district court determined earlier on Wednesday that there is low-level evidence against Yered and determined that the second suspect, Yehiel Indor, will remain in custody, while he is hospitalized at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, and on Thursday he will be brought to a hearing in his case.

Attorney Avichai Hajabi criticized the police decision, saying: "The decision to submit a request for permission to appeal is delusional. It proves that the investigative unit is not ready to accept the concept that Yered and the other settlers were brutally attacked.”

Attorney Nati Rom added: "It's simply amazing what resources are invested in the police and ISA when it comes to settlers. The police announced that they will file an appeal to the Supreme Court against the district court's unequivocal decision.”​​​​

Attorney Rom criticized the conduct of the police: "The Israeli police arrived unprepared. The judge did not understand and even said, 'What, there is nothing in the case.' We very much hope that they will be released, even if they may not be released now on appeal. There are many challenges to release them. There is no case here. We see more and more that a person who saved his life and saved others is unfortunately detained in the hospital, even when he is in intensive care, even when he is before surgery. This is an outrageous act.”

He commented on the Arab attackers: "The 300 rioters, who, as the police said, caused significant violence against the Jews, were unfortunately not all arrested. Even those who were arrested, a long time has passed and in the meantime they are in the hospital with their families, unlike my client. Even when arresting them the police do not attribute to them crimes such as attempted murder as is attributed to my clients, even though they did nothing but protect their lives and the lives of others.”

The police prosecutor stated Wednesday at the hearing that there are more suspects who are expected to be interrogated in the coming days. The judge reprimanded the police representative for not submitting the necessary documents: "Is there anything else? Come prepared for a hearing," said the judge. The police representative replied: "Give me ten minutes to bring the document." The judge reprimanded, "Come organized," and ended the deliberation.

The judge made it clear to the commander of the police station for Judea and Samaria that she is inclined to release Yered to house arrest after not receiving sufficient answers to her claim as to the reason for keeping him in detention, but noted that "Indor's story is different in terms of the evidence and I believe that his detention will be extended.”

In an interview with Radio 103FM, Knesset member Tzvi Succot (Religious Zionism) said that "There is no chance of an indictment for murder here. I think that this person acted in self-defense, that's what I understand was there in the incident."

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