09 August 2023

Another Successful and Awesome Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah Flight

Nefesh B’Nefesh flights are always filled with fascinating people who love the land, and this August 7th and 8th flight was no different.  They have made the decision to leave family and friends, and have pursued new careers and opportunities throughout the land of Eretz Yisroel.  They have chosen to build and strengthen the land promised to the descendants of Avrohom Avinu.

This flight also reflected the growing trend of Yeshiva and Chareidi families making aliyah.

The flight was full, and there were 72 Olim on it. They came from New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Ottowa Canada, Ontario, Maryland, Washington, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Virginia, California and Connecticut.  There were also 30 junior olim on the flight.  There were 11 younger singles who made Aliyah as well. The youngest oleh was 8 months old and the oldest was 88 years old.

Let’s take one couple, recently from Far Rockaway, New York: Rabbi Skolnik and his wife Yona. Rabbi Skolnick has taken a position in a Yeshiva as a Beis Medrash Rebbe, teaching Torah to young men, inspiring them in Avodas Hashem, and imbuing them with a love of Eretz Yisroel.  Yona Skolnik is a PA and thanks to legislation passed last week can now use her skills and education to help cure patients in the State of Israel.  This couple got married eight months ago and originally hailed from Connecticut, and then New York City

Eli and Tamar Miller are making Aliyah to Rechovot.  He is an endocrinologist, and Tamar is an actuary.  Their adorable three little children are Eitan, Yair and Leora. They hail from Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania.

Binyamin and Naomi Malakh and six kids are moving to Afula.  They come from Passaic and wanted a growing community with affordable real estate.  Binyamin is a tax accountant he will be working remotely.  Binyamin is originally from the Ukraine and arrived in America and went from Brooklyn, Monsey, and then Passaic.  He had learned in Yeshiva Chaim Berlin and also for a year in Kollel as well.  He also attended Touro College in the evenings. Naomi is a stay home mom, raising their beautiful chilbren.  Their eldest son will be attending a Chofetz Chaim high school in Beit Shemesh.  The girls will attend a local Bais Yaakovin Afula

Sammy and Megan Landesman hail from Manhattan and are making Aliyah to the Holy City of Yerushalayim.  Sammy will be working in either Civil Engineering or Construction Project Management; Leora is pursuing her master’s degree in chemistry.  Both of them spent a year in Eretz Yisroel after high school, and Leora even stayed a second year volunteering.

Robert and Robin Burstein hail from Blue Bell, Pennsylvania and are headed toward Tzur Hadassah, right next to Beitar Illit outside of Yerushalayim.  Robert  was an attorney specializing in business law for franchises and Robin was the Deputy Director of the Philadelphia region of the Anti-Defamation League.  When she first started she was called by “the Nazi Guy.”  He was the one who named his children after prominent Nazis.  He was involved in a messy divorce and was being “defamed” by his ex-wife.  Not the brightest candle, he called the Anti-Defamation League.  They began keeping an eye on him

Robin was also involved in the capture of “King Shekels” who was threatening  and possibly vandalizing synagogues and other Jewish institutions. The ADL worked with law enforcement to catch him.  Robin plans to volunteer for similar organizations in Israel.

Naomi and Bernie Zweig are making Aliyah to Tel Aviv, and hail from Manhattan.  Bernie was and remains a board member of Lincoln Square Synagogue and plans to remain there.  Their first goal is to take an ulpan and spend time with their daughter who made Aliyah in January.  She is currently studying for her nursing boards in Sepempter.  Both are looking for some meaningful volunteer work.

Jeff and Daryl Klein are headed toward Nevei Daniel, a Yishuv just north of Efrat, and they plan to be learning, fishing and travelling.  Daryl was a family lawyer in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, right outside of Philadelphia.  Jeff was a pharmacist and an owner of a meat-smoking business.  They plan to smoke meat for friends

“Its hard to leave our children, especially my grandson,” says Jeff, “but they hope to come soon by the end of next summer.”

Elisheva Rothstein hails from West Orange, New Jersey, and is headed to Kochav Yaakov.  She came to Eretz Yisroel last year for her gap college year and decided that she just had to make Aliyah.  She is planning to volunteer for a Sherut Leumi program to help others in need.

One family, with three kids, is headed toward Raanah.  All the schools in Raanana are equipped to handle Olim.  The father said, “Raanana is a soft landing for making Aliyah.  There are many Anglos there.”  The cityscape and landscape are also very pretty and it is next to the beach.   Raanah has a hospital.  It is a more happening place.”

A second family is also headed to Raanana and hail from Seattle, Washington,  He was involved in high tech sales including Israeli companies,  Craig received his mba at Tel Aviv University .  Janet is a CPA and will continue working for her company.  Craig is a natural born leader and a do-er.  He has retired and plans to volunteer and also is an accomplished basketball player.  Craig has coached basketball in Seattle and hopes to coach a program in Raanana as well. His plans also include launching a girls softball league in Ra’anana

Nefesh B’Nefesh was founded by Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart.  Nefesh B’Nefesh has, over the years made Aliyah  easier, smoother, and significantly more popular. And, of late, they have attracted families with young children.

Rabbi Fass and Nefesh B’Nefesh have succeeded in removing many of the impediments associated with Aliyah to Israel. From processing the paperwork in revolutionary new ways, to providing certain types of grants, airplane fare, transportation and housing and job assistance — Nefesh B’Nefesh does it all.  Nefesh B’Nefesh works in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael and JNF-USA.

The pilot on the flight had a special message for the new Olim, directly after landing at Ben Gurion Airport.  The message was emotional, “Bruchim Ha’Ba’im – HaBaita – Blessed be those who have arrived – Home.”

Source: Vinnews and NOT ArutzSheva. Shame, Israel doesn’t feature these flights anymore.

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