14 July 2021

SIGNS FROM SHAMAYIM . . . HaShem’s Messages to Us


The ancient stones of Jerusalem host a variety of plant life including the prolific Throny Caper. Batya Vagshal, a religious Israeli woman, was shocked to see that the plants had grown to form the shapes of letters. The letters seemed to be ‘written’ in ktav ashuri, the calligraphy style used in writing sacred texts. Three letters were clearly seen: י (yud), ה (heh), ו (vav). These are, of course, the first three letters in God’s ineffable four-letter name (minus the final ה (heh). 

Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, ascribed the appearance of the letters to a verse in Deuteronomy:

And all the peoples of the earth shall see that Hashem‘s name is proclaimed over you, and they shall stand in fear of you. Deuteronomy 28:10

“This verse is clearly describing being able to see God’s name in Israel in the end of days,” Rabbi Berger said, explaining that this vision was also described by the Prophet Isaiah:

In the days to come, The Mount of Hashem‘s House Shall stand firm above the mountains And tower above the hills; And all the nations Shall gaze on it with joy. Isaiah 2:2

“God’s name will become visible, undeniably in front of everyone’s eyes, Jews and non-Jews,” 

Rabbi Berger said. “We have seen in so many ways recently that the ways of nature are no longer sufficient. Nature is now becoming a stage to reveal God’s hidden nature. These are the signs and the wonders that are just a taste of what is to come.”

“It is remarkable that this is appearing just as Israel is preparing to open its borders to tourists. God willing, by the time the tourists from the nations begin to arrive, the final heh will grow in. Very soon, all the nations will be coming to Jerusalem and will be able to see this, something they were not able to do for more than a year.”

Rabbi Berger emphasized that such signs will begin to be more common.

“It is not surprising that bushes will grow and spell out the name of God,” Rabbi Berger said.

 “The pandemic, all of the recent tragedies, are preparing us to be ready to see the messages that are appearing. Anybody can go outside in the morning and see the Name of God spelled out in clouds, hear it in the wind or the birds’ song. These things were always there but now they are becoming even clearer.”

“This is God’s mercy. It is impossible to see God’s name and not want to repent, to come closer to him. It is difficult to believe but even today, when we see unprecedented events, wonders and tragedies, there are those who refuse to call out to Him.”

First seen 7/13 on


[…] two rare 2,000-year-old coins at two adjacent sites.

One coin, discovered at Khirbet Jabaat, dates back to the Jewish revolt against the Romans and was minted in the year 67 C.E. One side of the coin bears a depiction of a grape leaf and the Hebrew inscription Herut Zion (Freedom for Zion), while the other side is imprinted with a cup and the inscription “Year Two.”

The coin is the latest Second Temple-Era find unearthed at this site, which includes ritual baths, secret tunnels, stone vessels, and burial caves.

The second coin, excavated at a site in the cliffs of Wadi Rashash, caused significant excitement among the archaeologists.

Dr. Dvir Raviv, who is directing the survey, explained that the coin was the first tangible evidence that the area in question had been under the administrative control of Bar Kochba, and might even testify to the existence of a Jewish community in the region until 134-135 C.E, despite the prevailing belief that all Jewish communities to the north of Jerusalem were razed in the great revolt of the 7th decade C.E. and never resurrected.

[ME: *A Jewish community existed in what was called Bnei Brak at that time.]

One side of the coin from Wadi Rashash, which is believed to have been minted in 134-135 C.E., is imprinted with a palm frond surrounded by a wreath, which itself is surrounded by the Hebrew inscription LeHerut Yerushalayim (“To the Liberation of Jerusalem”). The other side depicts musical instruments, possibly a harp, and the name “Shimon”—the first name of the leader of the revolt against the Romans, Shimon Ben Kosevah, better known as Shimon Bar Kochba.

The Binyamin Regional Council and the grassroots heritage preservation organization Shomrim al Hanetzach (Preserving Eternity) said in response to the discoveries that the area is full of archaeological remains and antiquities, which are being robbed and destroyed by local Arabs. The council and the organization called on the government to adopt a national emergency plan to save the sites.

Binyamin Regional Council chairman Yisrael Gantz said: “We have a national obligation to preserve these precious finds that tie us to this place. The Israeli government must take responsibility for its heritage and prevent ethno-religious robberies and vandalism.”


*Sources from a Historical Fiction Story, “A Star Shall Rise From Yaakov, Part II, pp 32-37, Hamodia Inyan Magazine, July 7

History of the Jewish People From Yavneh to Pumbedisa, by Meir Holder, Mesorah Publications, 1986

The Mystery of Bar Kokhba, by Leibel Reznick, Jason Aaronson 1996

Brachos 60b

Yerushalmi, Taanis 240

Eichah Rabbah 2.4

Rambam, Hilchos Melachim 11


moshe said...

Hopefully, this is a real sign from Shamayim of Moshiach's imminent arrival. I know this was found on the wall from where Moshiach arrives but has been closed to the public since the 1600's. Shirat Devorah shows the picture with a short paragraph explaining.
Let's pray we will see many more signs and most importantly, actually welcome Moshiach Tzdkeinu, hayom, achshav, miyad.

Neshama said...

MANY people saw this and there are a variety of explanations. Same pic. All explanations very interesting.

moshe said...

Practically everyone by now understands somewhat that we are living in awesome times, frightening but very hopeful that our Goel Tzedek will arrive very soon, PLEASE!

Neshama said...

Not everyone, Moshe, maybe readers of these specific blogs about Geula, but not everyone. If that were the case Israelis would realize that those dying from “heart attacks” in the prime of life, or in their younger years, are really dying from you know what!

I fear a disaster coming.

moshe said...

H' Yerachem! One hardly reads or hears about the 'victims'. Everyone is afraid to open their mouths. But the regular citizenry has family, neighbors, co-workers who have suffered, so that should make them aware of the truth. H' give 'wisdom' to His people. All that info out there and yet so many dummies.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...