29 July 2021

Facing Reality

From time to time I feel sliding down my cheeks little moist droplets of reality.

Shabbos, our Shalosh Regalim, and other Moadim are life rafts in this sea of reality.

Keeping HKB”H in vision and Hashem’s Creations in view give temporary solace.

Greeting Mashiach will be the antidote.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

The rope that binds us to HKBH remains whole, we need now just to tighten our grip. Our emunah is being tested for the last time. Soon we will Moshiach. Tears are the mikveh for the soul. Soon our tears will be tears of joy when we once again hear HKBH speaking to us. We will stand there together.

Neshama said...

I hurt so much for those I love who got it.
You must read Rivka levy dot com

Leah said...

Amen Gavriela! Speedily and soon. I have friends who tell me they're concerned for me that I've not gotten the jab. They mean well and yes, I've sent them video after video and article after article.....If they only knew..... If they only knew.....

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I believe all is in the control of HaShem, even who gets and who does not. COVID came from Him and everything that is unfolding now comes from him, and the erev rav is trying as hard as they can to control Him. This is what's really going on, in my opinion, but I have no idea about anything. I try to avoid the conversation because people are very polarized on this subject. I am just going quietly about my life, ignoring all of them, and waiting for HaShem to show us what is next. There is a lot to be pained about, and I believe the medinat will tighten the screws, similar to what is happening in the US. We need to be prepared to live off the grid and strengthen our emunah and bitachon in HKBH who is running this show, even now. Nothing exists outside of Him.

Neshama said...

Thank you Gavriela Dvorah. Each person must do what that “small voice” deep inside says.

Neshama said...

Gavriella, do you really know what living “off the grid” means?
are you prepared to go without electricity (fridge, lights, a/c, washer, water, showers, food)?
Do you have a solar setup?

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I don't believe that they will turn off our electricity and water, but if it comes to that, then yes, with the help of HKBH, we'll survive. We've made it through worse times. We don't have a solar panel. We rent, and I've been asking for one but... it's probably worth the investment. Food...I'm currently investigating how we can grow veggies next year (shmittah). I think if I keep pots on the stones, we'll be okay. We are blessed with many fruit trees, so once we declare them hefka, we'll be able to eat from them.'s not so important to me. But, thank G-d, we live in a place where we'll still have access to food. We're a strong kehila and we'll be okay, b'ezrat HaShem. BTW, there are many people currently living off the grid near to us. They've purchased agricultural land, which is not zoned residential. So, you can have a 40sqm building for the guard (livestock) and nothing else that is permanent. They seem to be doing great, raising families and connecting to the Land.

Neshama said...

That sounds great, Gabriella, I’m envious of how well situated you are. Look into a separate solar heater, that you can use for heating water, and an attachment for cooking. Search on Amazon for camping equip. Also you will need a container for catching rain water. Also a Berkey water purification system. Search Berkey dot com. You’ll need some first aid stuff, and matches, Himalayan salt (not sea salt because it has plastic mixed in). And seeds, of all the veggies. That’s all I can think of now. Search preppier dot com.

Neshama said...

P.s. for cooking get a Primus that uses oil.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Thanks Neshama. It's a great list. Bzrt"H we'll pull it together.

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