18 January 2018

Meir Ettinger – 16/1/2018 –– We Did Not Come Here Just to Live

*We Did Not Come Here Just to Live (Part 1)

Are the terrorists criminals or are they just?
And why does the settlers' slogan prevent the possibility of eradicating terrorism?
Meir Ettinger in a poignant column 16/1/2018 (photos in Hebrew article)

1. Know what you will answer.

Every attack brings a wave of our rage. Painful and horrified by the murder of a Jew and the desecration of God that accompanied the terrible murder, he anticipated a demand to "deal with terror," to stop the policy of containment and demand for revenge.

But for some reason things fall on deaf ears, except for the demonstrations of power and PR appearances by the army, no real policy change appears.

After we had fulfilled the duty of protest, we left the house and shouted at our blood that was being abandoned. If we are really right that we have shed blood, if indeed the security policy contains attacks, and there is something to change, how is it that again and again, the cry is not heard? If the demand is so simple for security and normal life is not answered, where did we explain ourselves well?

It is impossible to criticize and protest against the security policies being led by Israeli governments without understanding their motives. We should ask ourselves how it is that all IDF officers with a skullcap and without a skullcap enslaved themselves to a defeatist agenda, as has been revealed all along recently.

The IDF can not defeat terror, precisely because it treats it as terrorism.

The IDF commanders know that the only way to win the war is by defeating the terror-supporting population, precisely because of this they have decided not to win, and in the meantime they are trying to thwart attacks as much as they can, and to punish the perpetrators of attacks on both sides.

But they ask themselves what will happen after we defeat terrorism? After all, if our anger at terrorism is about harming the possibility of a normal life, what right does this justify harming the lives of the Arabs?

If they try to count the side that absorbs more casualties, then there is no doubt that the left is right, far more Arabs are killed, wounded and prisoners.

In the heart of the left, the Left identifies with the Arab uprising that leads to attacks, an uprising against turning Arabs into second-class citizens, without citizenship, without residency, and without a horizon.

I am sorry that I wrote too much as a leftist, but if you want to change the security policy, it is not enough to protest against the lawlessness or to hold demonstrations.

2. Not "innocent" - warriors!

Hundreds of Jews went out to protest, in various ways, of the lawlessness that led to the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach.

The residents of Shomron felt this week that their blood was being marketed, while they wanted to preserve the daily life of the Arabs.

On the other hand, the leftists claim that the Arabs' daily life is flawed. The checkpoints, the arrests and the occupation are what they claim to be terrorism. And who is right?

The truth is that both sides are right.

Today's hesitant policy has turned both Jews and Arabs into victims. The lives of the Jews are also abandoned, and there is no real struggle against terror, and on the other hand, the ongoing occupation policy is pushing the Arabs to harm us.

If we ask ourselves honestly, what is our demand from the Arabs? True, we believe that the entire country is ours, but what would we like to do with the Arab residents? Very few have a clear answer.

The accepted answer since the establishment of Gush Emunim: "We came to live here alongside the Arabs and not in their place," expects them to live here as residents without citizenship, will not be able to vote in elections, etc.

It is hard to be surprised and surprised at why the Arabs choose war.

We will try to think that this is the proposal they would offer us - would we accept it? of course not. They say on the left and rightly so - what do you want from the Arabs? You wanted to deny them civil rights, so it is clear that they will choose terror.

We returned to Judea and Samaria in a natural way, we felt that we had returned to the inheritance of our forefathers, and naturally we had built settlements, raised children and paved roads.

We ignored the Arabs, as if we expected that one day they would disappear on their own.

Then came the attacks, which interfered with routine. The real pain and the feeling that we are looking for life and are looking for death have generated many protests.

Every attack caused a sense of shock, and the government compensated for construction or permits for the establishment of settlements, but nothing changed in the security concept.

Thus, a discourse was born, in which instead of fighting the enemy, we fought "murderous terrorism." This reality gave birth to the legal chains, and the distorted rules of purity of weapons used in the IDF.

This reality was created by the settlers themselves - when they tried to blur the fact that it was a war. A war whose consequences are - or us or them.

If we say this harshly - Rabbi Raziel Shevach, he is not free from "crime." He is not an innocent citizen who only wanted to live his life in Samaria and his life was cut off by terrorists. Not Rabbi Raziel Hy "d, nor our friends and relatives who were murdered on the land of Judea and Samaria.

We came here to Judea and Samaria, knowing that we had come to conquer the land promised to us, and anyone who did not cheat himself knew that it came at the expense of the Arabs.

Rabbi Raziel was a fighter who planted his house in order to conquer the land and fell in battle, like many fighters who fell on their guard, on the roads, in their homes and in the playground.

Every settler in Samaria is not "innocent". He chose to live here consciously, believing that this is our land, not the land of Arabs, and in the hope of expelling the Arabs from here (who wishes only the heart and who is the real will).

The terror attacks are not terrorist attacks as the formal definition of terror against civilians, but war. A bloody war between us and the Arab enemy.

The same Arabs that Yitzhak Rabin and David Ben-Gurion expelled from their villages during the War of Independence, from Ramle and Lod, from Safed and its villages, and from the Jerusalem corridor, continued to fight us against the terrorist attacks initiated by the fedayeen long before the conquest of Judea and Samaria.

They understood that it was not terrorism, or foul criminals, but rather the enemy, and returned them in the same way - in the reprisals that were common in those days.

The use of words like 'despicable terrorist' 'we just want to live', in fact, only kept the ability to deal with terror.

Those enemies that we do not want to become ordinary citizens, who will turn the joint list into the ruling party.

The terrorists are not necessarily despicable murderers, unscrupulous and bad people, as we understand that war with all the difficulty is not necessarily a bad thing.

Terrorists are enemies. Bitter enemies of the Jewish vision. It is not because of their wickedness or evil that we fight them.

An Arab terrorist, a terrorist who planned the abduction and murder of Tomer Hazan of Bat Yam, was planning an imprisonment for him, a polite and pleasant man, orderly and pleasant.

Really, I do not think he's a bad man. He is an enemy. An enemy that confused Jews who were not willing to tell him that they were not going to leave, and therefore he would go, made him become a terrorist.

If we know how to defeat the enemy, we will not need the same hatred that the left taught us.

If we remember what we are fighting, the war will be much shorter, and the long-awaited peace will come much sooner.

If we know that we are fighting the enemy, because we believe that our land, in order to realize our sovereignty, and to destroy the hope of anyone who thinks he can expel us, there was no problem fighting terrorism.

Those who support terrorists are the enemy. Anyone who does not recognize our right to the land is our enemy. And if we truly believe that our country - we will fight for it, just as they fought here 70 years ago.

Only those who accept the sovereignty of the Jewish people can remain.

But if we continue to portray ourselves as miserable, that we have only come to live here and go to work, and slain murderers murdered us, we will receive great sympathy and mercy from all parts of the people, but we will lose the battle over the land.

As we lost in Oslo after the first intifada, and the expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Samaria after the second intifada. We will now conclude with the implementation of the Bennett plan to establish an anti-Semitic Palestinian entity in Areas A and B, in order to escape the murderers of Raziel Hy "d.

To approve Havat Gilad is an excellent thing. There is a rest for the Jews who have given their lives there for almost twenty years. It should not bother anyone.

But this is not revenge. True, the real and complete revenge will be in the building and settlement of the land. If we continue on the path of Rabbi Raziel, we will build another ten settlements like Havat Gilad on enemy soil, which will expel the enemy, and turn his land into flourishing settlements, which will also be allowed another twenty years for approval.

3. Let go of the original lie

In order to succeed in changing security policy, we must free ourselves from the original lie that "we have come to live here alongside the Arabs."

This lie is not bought on the left. They rightly claim that these are "apartheid" countries, which only portray themselves as innocent. This lie is not bought by the Arabs, who understand very well that it is either us or them. And this lie is not bought on the right that understands that there is no chance for coexistence.

We came here to settle in Israel instead of those who conquered it from us after being exiled two thousand years ago.

This key phrase is the basis of the answer. It is possible and necessary to embark on an operation that will eliminate Arab terrorism once and for all. This is a simple and easy story. Because the problem is not the Arabs at all - the problem is us.

If we remember that the terrorists are not despicable murderers, and that our national aspirations are in fact contradictory, it will be much easier for us to fight the enemy. That the reality of the Arabs here naturally endangers the lives of the Jews, unless we choose to retreat.

This insight does not need faith in God. Even secular people, like David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin, understood this.

They understood that with all the difficulty, war requires not only physical heroism but also overcoming the urge to pity the enemy as the Torah warns:

"For you shall go to war against your enemies." Rashi explains: "For your enemy and not for your brother, You must".

To believe that our land, in order to be truly sure that it is not stolen from us, requires faith in God, and requires an answer. And to win and restore security is possible only by believing people, those who truly believe in our country.

*a little editorializing by me, no change in wording, just highlights

1 comment:

vincent said...

He is an intelligent guy.

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