23 January 2018

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Relationships, GPS, Torah, Amazing Stories

Proper Relationships (Shabbaton: Montreal Canada)

Title is not reflective of the ‘entire’ shiur. A very delightful shiur. Variety of subjects, some of his personal revelations, and many amazing stories. I enjoyed this very much.


Anonymous said...

I just would like to know why this Rabbi speaks always of Catholic priests molesting children, or having 'forbidden' relationships with women, and fathering children. That is because they the priests have to take a vow of celibacy.
Please to note, i am not a catholic.

But this happens in all religions, and when he speaks of just this one, although it is known quite well today, that among married rabbis, with lots of children already, are also molesting innocent Jewish children not only in schools, but when they go to learn Torah, and then at summer camps, and even almost everywhere.

It is something happening among all religions, and no one can claim that is not so in Judaism...
So this rabbi, when pointing fingers, at other peoples, should look at those who do even worse among their own people, especially when innocent defenceless children are attacked, even in those mikvah places, where i think Jews go to wash themselves 'clean' of sins ? and doing the horrid act there too?
reall, its time all this charade came to a stop for all kinds of peoples and may Mashiach come soon.. amen.

Neshama said...

Is that the only one sentence in the whole shiur that penetrated your mind?

Anonymous said...

To the first anonymous - when you hear religious leaders and rabbis committing these horrible acts, you first have to know some of our history. Within our people, there are a multitude that does not stem from Jews and are the descendants and/or reincarnations of the two million or so of the mixed multitude that dragged along with us at the exodus from ancient Egypt. They are called the Erev Rav. This is the era before the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu and is, therefore, probably the most corrupt and confusing era of all times when all the shmutz is coming to light. Chaotic era.

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