27 January 2018

Anne Frank?

Ahed Tamimi Compared to Anne Frank and Hana Senesh??

The very popular (with the enlightened Left) writer Yonatan Gefen, wrote a song comparing the Israeli soldier-slapping teen Ahed Tamimi to Anne Frank and Hana Senesh.

You recall that a few weeks ago we were treated to the sight of an Arab ("Palestinian) teen and her family accosting and humiliating an Israeli officer as he stood and absorbed the blows and curses.
Ahed Tamimi is now a legend in her own time. A legend and a hero, not only to those who openly yearn for the day that they will murder and dispossess us but also with some of own Jewish "elites" and "progressives".

I understand the Arabs desire. Well, I don't exactly understand but I am not surprised at all.
However, I have not yet figured out what makes some of our own, especially the more "sophisticated" and talented ones who use their talents and influence to aid our enemies.

Imagine Ane Frank or Chana Senesh assaulting and cursing a German soldier. Does this thought really escape Mr. Gefen and his very smug crowd?

What was he thinking? What do they think or whatever you want to call the process?

Certainly, he understands the difference. He must!!

Does he really think that our humiliated officer who walked away from his young tormentor was as evil as a German soldier who Anne Frank would not dare even look in the eye?

Does he truly equate our presence in biblical Judea and Samaria which, a base for Jew-killing terrorists, to the Nazi occupation and rape of Europe?

Does he really? Really does he?

Yonatan Gefen is not alone of course. His buddies always try to outdo each other.

A few years ago PLO leader Marwan Barghouti was arrested and tried for the murder of thirty-seven Jews.

Outside the courtroom was another old warrior of the Left, Uri Avnery yelling,"the intifada will win"!
Did the thirty-seven fellow Jews and their families enter his thoughts at all?

In the courtroom, Barghouti's lawyer, Mr. Shamay Leibowitz (grandson of Professor Leibowitz who coined the phrase, Judonazi) compared his client to none other than Moses!

He saw them both as equal leaders of their people in the quest for national liberation.

Was this just theatrics or do these people really believe this stuff?

Award-winning Israeli authors visit the mass murderer, Barghouti in his cell and adoringly grant him autographed copies of their latest works.

Is it just me or is there something totally nuts with this picture?

In this weeks Torah portion of “Beshalach," the Jewish nation finally leave Egypt after centuries of bitter enslavement.

Along with the Jews, there were also Egyptians who wanted to latch on to the new winners.
Moshe allowed them to come along. A major mistake.

Our sages tell us that it was they who agitated and led a series of unrest and rebellion against Moses and God in the desert.

They tell us further that it was their seed who pop up throughout our history to betray our people and take the side of our tormentors.

In my study of our history, I find that indeed in every generation there are in fact Jews who do just that.

Are they really the seed of the "Mixed multitude" - "Erev Rav" that made so much trouble for Moses?
I do not know.

I also truly do not know what makes Mr. Gefen and company tick.

Yes, self-hating Jew is the obvious answer. But what creates this illogical, cruel, loathsome ever-present phenomenon?

Until someone gives me the slightest logical answer to this historical phenomenon of treason and self-loathing, I am forced to go with the Erev Rav theory.

You are invited to register for our extraordinary tour of the Negev on Wednesday, February 6.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you first have to understand is that this new radical lefist liberalism is a mental disorder. This phrase was coined by a well-known conservative American radio talk show host who wrote a book with the title "Liberalism is a mental disorder".

These leftist elitist Jews must have the genes of the mixed multitude and/or they are their reincarnations. Our Sages tell us that the Erev Rav usually have fame, fortune and positions in high places. If they do not change their ways, they will get the same as all our mortal enemies. They usually have the useful idiots as their followers, who are misguided Jews and, hopefully, they will do teshuvah. This is what the Jews are putting up until we get normal leadership and, of course, when Moshiach comes, all the evil will get undone.

Rabbi Weissman

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