22 January 2018

Eight Years Produces a Certain Perspective

Eight Years Produces a Certain Perspective

“Take your stupid phones, and become smart yourselves, and put it away for heavens sake,”

Last week, Rubashkin celebrated his month of freedom at an event held at Chabad world headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway.

Rubashkin spoke at the event, and among his words to the gathering he mentioned the use of smartphone.

“Take your stupid phones, and become smart yourselves, and put it away for heavens sake,” Rubashkin said.

He then took it one step further, and blasted those who walk into a Shul that have shelves full of Sedurim, yet they choose to Daven off their smartphones.

“Looking from a perspective from a guy who was removed from society for 8 and a half years, I walk into a Shul and see a guy Davening to his phone”, Rubashkin continued.

“A Siddur has the name of Hashem in it, you can’t take it into a bathroom. Why wouldn’t you want to hold a Siddur over a phone”?

Source: YWN


Anonymous said...

B'H, someone had the intelligence and courage to say the truth. A Yasher Koach to this man who suffered for eight years and understands what most of us don't. Agree that the phones are so-called "smart", but there's no sechel in man these days because he/she doesn't have to 'Think'; it has machinery to think for them.

Neshama said...

It is amazing when you unhook from gadgets, no TV, movies, ‘cultural events’ etc. for an extended period of time, B”H your spiritual vision is deepened and magnified.

Rabbi Weissman

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