06 October 2024

Reb Goldwag: Call Of Moshiach 3 - The Time is Now

In this podcast, we continue our discussion with the precedent for Am Yisrael to be saved by someone who does not seem to be a righteous individual, as represented by Yiftach HaGiladi. 

We also explore the idea of the call of Ezra and Nechemia who called the Jews back from their 70 year exile in Babylon, and the very few who heeded the call, although the 2nd Beis Hamikdash (Temple) was already rebuilt. We are charged not to make the same mistake.

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Reb Goldwag: Call Of Moshiach 3 - The Time is Now

In this podcast, we continue our discussion with the precedent for Am Yisrael to be saved by someone who does not seem to be a righteous ind...