07 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman: A year after October 7 — Are we any smarter?

[me:  the real remembrance of that tragedy is Shemini Atzeret/Hoshana Rabbah of this year]

A year after October 7 — Are we any smarter?

People who are running into their "safe rooms" every time the "experts" tell them to should bring their masks with them.  After all, if there's an outbreak of Covid while they're there, they'd face the terrible dilemma of having to dash out to grab the masks and get blown up or stay put and be exposed to air.   

What happens if you have to deal with sirens AND Covid at the same time?  What happens if the Home Front Command conflicts with the Ministry of Health instructions?  

Why is no one worried about a pandemic breaking out while missiles are flying?  It's not like these things are planned and coordinated well in advance, after all.

Can we get the great Covid poskim to weigh in on this?

*   *   *

If enough people comply with suggested lockdowns and closures, they will quickly spread and become forced.  Just like with Covid.  So if that's what you want, by all means, comply.  If not, ignore the sirens and the psy-ops.  Don't comply.

*   *   *

The WEF is very active in Lebanon, not to mention Iran and Israel:

The same people who knowingly maimed and killed our people with injections would use other means and weapons, too.  Never lose sight of that.  

It's absurd that people who accept that the regime knowingly made a deal with the devil and poisoned our people get outraged at the suggestion that they would make a deal with the devil to arrange pretextual wars and send our people into death traps.

And it's absurd that people who understand that the IDF forcibly injected our people with poison shots get outraged at the suggestion that the same army is being used to destroy us from within while purporting to protect us.

*   *   *

Thousands of invaders in dozens of locations all being totally on the same page about their ability to rampage in heavily protected border communities for hours, despite Apache helicopters and reinforcements being minutes away (and nothing being too far in Israel), is overwhelming evidence, beyond any reasonable doubt, of coordination.  

On top of that add children and old men with canes being brought to loot in a supposed active war zone, also without concern that they would run into the IDF at any point.

We also have testimonies that soldiers were given stand down orders, and that urgent requests for help throughout the massacre went unheeded when help was minutes away. Testimony is evidence in every legal system.  

The only reasonable explanation is corroboration to enable the attacks, though of course, if pressed, the criminals and their lawyers (devil's advocates) will come up with some story and hope people buy it.  I see no reason to be a devil's advocate and come up with stories on their behalf, or accept highly implausible stories on their behalf, and pretend this is reasonable and moral.

Even the media reported this: Israeli military abandoned kibbutz for hours during Hamas' attack Oct. 7, IDF inquiry finds

Even when security forces did arrive at the entrance of the kibbutz, they failed to engage in combat amid scattered or conflicting orders, the inquiry found.

Some were following a command decision to "wait in order to evacuate civilians." Others were fighting, then exited the kibbutz in response to a command decision, while some waited for a force commander and others remained outside the community to set up a perimeter.

There is also no plausible explanation for a lack of response for so long without stand down orders.  And soldiers who went on their own faced heat for it.  None of this is new.

The soldiers literally stood outside the kibbutz and watched the massacre.  Imagine how conditioned you have to be to follow such orders, regardless of the official justification.

Also imagine how conditioned the people have to be to take to the streets over nonsense, and only when called to do so by controlled organizations that manipulate them, but not over this.

The stated purpose of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) to exist is to defend Israeli citizens from just this sort of thing.  They ignored copious warnings for months on end, threatened to prosecute those who persisted to give warnings, confiscated weapons from the nearby communities, and stood down while our people were being slaughtered.  All of this and more is indisputable fact.  

"They were waiting for orders / there were conflicting orders / they needed to organize a response" — None of this is an acceptable argument.  This is like a fire department watching a building burn down with people inside and standing down, or Hatzalah watching people die without giving them first aid, and making such excuses.  This is why the IDF exists.  

To say they were defending the people better by not immediately defending them while they were being slaughtered is an Amalekite argument, corrupting one's mind to completely distort reality and self-evident truth.

*   *   *

Israel should commemorate October 7 not with a moment of silence, but 8 hours of silence.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the good Rabbi writes, the actions of the military was like 'Amaleikite tactics' and that is because the Erev Rav ruling now are literally the 'Erev Rav Amaleikim! Israel is at war from within with the Erev Rav and externally with
Amaleik itself. Somehow, H' will intervene and we will see many miracles if we start doing things right and going in the path of Torah and, thus, gain total Victory! Ken Yehi Ratzon, Amen!

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