08 October 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Stop playing devil's advocate

 The "news" sites that exist for no other purpose than to lie to you, manipulate you, distract you, condition you, and keep you docile claim that what you see below is a rocket that was fired all the way from Iran to Israel and landed in a forest.

Here is a link to a Google image search showing numerous "news" sites making this claim without an ounce of skepticism or investigation — you know, actual journalism.

Gotta hand it to the Iranians for figuring out how to fire wooden tubes with metal inside all the way to Israel...

Also gotta hand it to Hezbollah for somehow managing to kill so many of our soldiers so quickly despite losing thousands of their best men to exploding beepers, and losing their leader, and getting bombed to smithereens.  

No way that's all a psy-op, too.  

No way a state that was founded by Nazi collaborators who kidnapped children from the hospital and trafficked them, and told the parents they were dead, and covered it up for decades, and murdered Rabbi Uzi Meshulam for exposing it, and is still covering up the hospital records, would do THAT.

By the way, in 2019 the actor who puts on theatrical performances at the UN signed a law extending the suppression of the adoption records and other such classified material (like the Covid protocols) from 70 years to 90 years.

Better safe than sorry, right?  That's called honoring those who came before you.

*   *   *

Then there's this:

Critical IDF surveillance videos from Hamas's attack on Oct. 7 missing

"The IDF’s official statement on this issue is that the videos were not deleted, but rather restricted to authorized personnel."

Guess what: you're not authorized.  I can think of two reasons why.  Please let me know which one you think is most plausible, and which one only crazy conspiracy theorists would believe.

1. As if it isn't self-evident that the powers-that-be on both sides of the border collaborated with each other, their handlers in America, and other "stakeholders" to orchestrate everything that happened on October 7.  Of course they won't let the public see the surveillance footage.  The public is generally too stupid and conditioned to do anything about an obvious cover-up, and the powers-that-be are laughing about what they continue to get away with.

2. The surveillance footage shows sensitive information that would be a grave threat to national security if we were allowed to see it.   Imagine if Hamas could see exactly how they managed to break through one of the most fortified borders in the world with pickup trucks, paragliders, and at least one donkey, and send thousands of heavily armed executioners into dozens of communities, where they met virtually no resistance from the IDF for 8 hours and more, while they casually tortured people, looted, live streamed, and made fruit salads, then went right back out the way they came in without so much as a shiputznik coming to check out the fence.  If the surveillance footage were made public, Hamas might see all this and get ideas!

Also, let's not forget that there was a media blackout in Israel on October 7 while the attacks were happening, just to make sure the people were kept even more safe.  That the IDF and powers-that-be managed to get done without delay.

Go ahead and keep playing devil's advocate.

*   *   *

I need all the devil's advocates to tell me the following:

What are the odds that dozens/hundreds of drones AND missiles supposedly fired from Iran on two separate occasions would fly over the single most noteworthy wall in all of Jerusalem...and not be shot down before then...and also not hit anything of consequence?

Also, make up your mind already: do they have great accuracy, or it's basically random?  Either way, make it make sense.

Of course, if it's a coordinated thunder and lightning show, it makes perfect sense...but then you have to give up your emotion-laden fantasies about the Erev Rav state, and maybe upset some people in your life.  

Then again, it's better than watching your loved ones go to Lebanon to be maimed and killed and wishing you said something sooner.  Maybe it's time to have some uncomfortable conversations with these loved ones.  Nothing changes if we keep doing the same things.

*   *   *

It's absurd that people who accept that the regime knowingly made a deal with the devil and poisoned our people get outraged at the suggestion that they would make a deal with the devil to arrange pretextual wars and send our people into death traps.

And it's absurd that people who understand that the IDF forcibly injected our people with poison shots get outraged at the suggestion that the same army is being used to destroy us from within while purporting to protect us.

*   *   *

Finally, there's this short video that the IDF didn't manage to bury: Hamas leisurely going about their business on Oct 7

Another video showing how the Hamas invaders went about their business methodically and at their leisure, knowing there would be no IDF response any time soon.  They could only have known this if there was an understanding and coordination at the highest levels.  All of the 120 puppets who play left/right theatre to distract you should be assumed guilty until proven innocent, not to mention everyone in uniform who watched it unfold and just followed orders.  

I said it before, I'll say it again: You cannot talk about defeating external enemies when you are led by internal enemies.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our whole problem has been that it was and is the Erev Rav who established the State, so from the beginning they had one goal and because of all the advancements in the world, especially technology, it made everything easier for them to push their agenda, but it also made it clearer to intelligent thinking people to come to the conclusion that the rulership has always been run by the Erev Rav (the outside insider), r'l. We also know that they are part of the
this globalist movement, where their goal is the end of civilization so the ultimate wealth and power will be theirs.
But, Hashem is the One running the world and is, therefore, using them as the
tool where we will reach the real new world of peace, beauty and the knowledge of the One and Only G-D, Ayn Od Milvado!
No more evil and no more evil doers, no more yetzer hara.
Up until we reach this point of our salvation, it gets messier and uglier so
we must hold on tight to our Emunah/Bitachon in Hashem and He will be
there for us and the righteous of the world. Praying for the Geulah Shleimah
in a blink of an eye. Amen!

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