10 June 2024


 there is much discussion about what transpired with this rescue. B”H they were released alive and returning to their families. one can see the political ramifications with its myriad “purposes”. one can also question “why was this type of  “courageous action” allowed to be put into action now and not during the previous operations during these 8 months? Political purpose (many) of course! However, it could never happen without the consent of  HKB”H. As Rabbi Glatstein skillfully described, HaShem is showing Israel,  that with each miracle our Nation can gain the more spiritual strength (as we did in Mitzrayim via the ten Makkos) to prepare us for the final full redemption. the final accounting will also take place.


Following the completion of IDF and ISA examinations of reports on the subject, it can be confirmed that Al Jazeera journalist Abdallah Aljamal was an operative in the Hamas terrorist organization, who held the hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv captive in his family home in Nuseirat.

"The hostages were held captive by Abdallah Aljamal and members of his family in their home. This is further evidence of the deliberate use of civilian homes and buildings by the Hamas terrorist organization to hold Israeli hostages captive in the Gaza Strip. Israeli security forces will continue to make every effort to bring the hostages home," the IDF stated. 

Earlier on Sunday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor Rami Abdu claimed that Israeli forces entered the home of the journalist's father using a ladder and killed several members of the family. According to Abdu, the journalist's 36-year-old wife Fatima Al-Jamal, his father Dr. Ahmad, and an additional daughter were killed in the raid.

In the heroic operation, ISA, Yamam, and IDF forces rescued Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40). 

The forces entered Gaza in civilian trucks, and within a few minutes, reached the buildings in which the hostages were held, and entered the buildings with open fire. Only at this stage, when the IAF was carrying out a widescale attack in Nuseirat, did additional Yamam and IDF forces, including tanks from Brigade 7 of the Armored Corps, paratroopers, and Kfir soldiers, arrive at the scene to aid the Yamam forces and help the hostages escape.

Deadly fire was opened on the rescue vehicle holding three hostages, and paratroopers arriving at the scene helped extract the hostages, and the forces returned to Israeli territory.

The hostages were held in Nuseirat, next to families and under heavy security. They were held in three- or four-story buildings, with 200 meters separating the buildings from each other. The male hostages were held separately from Noa Argamani. The forces split into two and worked parallel to each other, with the understanding that if they worked together at one location, the hostages at the second location would be in danger.

Entry to the two apartments was done under heavy fire, in broad daylight. From within the buildings, the terrorists opened fire at the rescue vehicle where Yamam officers were waiting, and the vehicle's tires popped. After the terrorists were eliminated, the forces succeeded in rescuing Noa and the other three hostages.

* exactly what day of the counting of the Omer was it? What is the significance?

** some ask, why were they so healthy looking?

If one considers just who was holding them; a alzazeerah reporter, employee, and terror operative, one can think “fatten them up to show th3 world that terrorists treat their hostages well”! A possible negotiating ploy? So this “action” condoned by HKB”H had several purposes which I believe will come into the light soon. A diet of only rice can do that! Or is there another explanation?

*** such an operation testifies to the capabilities of the Israeli military; which ההפך testifies to the atrocities being permitted on October 7 (in full knowledge of military and Shabak decisors)

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