03 February 2024

Shalom Pollack – underwear or robes?


An outrage!
So uncivilized, so utterly unJewish screamed the experts on true Jewish morality.

They were outraged that captured Nazi sadists who had just beheaded and baked our babies and gang-raped our girls were paraded in their underwear.
Where is our Jewish sense of respect screamed by the Left in Israel?
If only we respected the Nazi monsters.

And so, reeling from the righteous vitriol and approbation from their betters they quickly returned to Jewish morality.
The next batch of sadist Nazis captured were photographed wearing body-length spotless white gowns compliments of their victims.
No one consulted our bible to see how Joshua and David made a point of humiliating our deadly enemies. After all, what did they know about authentic Jewish morality?

The powers that be, the post-Oslo entrenched deep state elites called the tune again.
The political leadership and head of state did not voice an opinion or stick his nose in, though ostensibly representing the will of the sane Jewish majority who felt differently.
He never has.

This war has demonstrated that the Jewish people are for the most part a nation of lions but by rabbits.
In 1948 the tiny Jewish community stood up to an Arab enemy many times their size and strength. We saw ourselves not as rabbits but as lions, and because of that self-perception, the cruel  Nazi - Arab enemy was awed, defeated, and fled.

The twelve spies returned from their mission and reported to Moshe. Ten said that they were grasshoppers in the eyes of the Canaanites and we were doomed if we dared fight them as God directed.
Two said, yes we can, and easily.
Perception and faith are crucial.

Our soldiers report that In every house in Gaza are photos of the Al Aksa mosque on the occupied Temple Mount. The name given to their  Holocaust on October 6 was "The Al Aqsa Flood"
What was the name given to our response by the IDF? Iron swords.
Is there a significance and difference in choice and what does it mean?

Our enemies see themselves as lions because they are fighting a holy war that does not end with borders or numbers.
Perhaps the name of our response would better have been the Beit Hamikdash War, the holy Temple War
Ah, but for that one has to leave the purely material short-sighted mindset, the one that craves only quiet.
For the IDF brass, who owe their careers to the post-Oslo masters it is a practical, mundane competition of physical strength. Victory is not destroying enemies anymore because Oslo teaches that we are beyond the period of enemies or victories - just conflict management. Ideology is the enemy and is dangerous to normalcy.
Restore  quiet  once again so we can all go back to a comfortable and safe existence until the next "round"
. Until then we manage our neighbors by building walls and barriers,  bribing and offering a "better life" in the belief that what is most important to us is also to them. Their religious zeal is just for internal consumption. They are just like us and can be bought off. No one can be that fanatic.

That was the Oslo revolutionary theory of Shimon Peres in 1993, the one that invited our worst Nazi enemies into our midst that launched the long and bloody slide to October 6, 2023.

Underwear or long robes?
The Holy Temple or iron swords?
guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great that the author is pointing out the real source of what is going on now in EY.
We have to not forget that it was the murderous arafat, yimach shmo v'zicro, that was
invited in with his band of pereadam from Tunisia. History is so easily forgotten or never
known by the masses, even though the history is a short one of only about five decades, not
centuries. The false narratives we are bombarded with daily is the newly madeup history of
a non-people. The worst part is that the state of Israel has become 'woke', may H' have mercy. Unless truth is brought out daily to the public of this worldwide agenda, things
will get worse but the Geulah will come no matter what, but at what cost.

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