20 February 2024

A Geulah Vision

 Some Bloggers are (shockingly to them) saying that it appears that Netanyahu is doing Teshuva.

Someone even wrote:  “ Maybe he saw A Hand writing on his wall.” :-))

Either he is, OR HaShem has put him in a very uncomfortable corner and he is doing what he needs to save his neck. ALL to the benefit of Eretz Yisrael.

Quite several weeks ago, by the expression on his face when he said ISRAEL is fighting for its life and at other times in front of the Mike, it seemed to me that he had a turn of heart and was fighting for all of us. MBY maybe, it is HaShem who puts the strength and words into his mouth!

Sometimes, I tend to ‘see’ a flash of something that might occur before it Is more widely seen. Time will tell if HaShem is working with Netanyahu; he is in the “best position” to take a stand against the world powers, as they all know him, and many know how he thinks. [which we Jews cannot always figure him out]

In any event, HaShem is maneuvering all the pieces of the Geulah Shleima into position.



Anonymous said...

Awww. I posted the writing on the wall..and yes, agreed, he is after all a JEW and we always wait to see the pinimius of our brothers.

Neshama said...


Anonymous said...

The hearts and minds of leaders are in the Hand of H'. No matter what is in Bibi's heart, in the end it is the workings of H'. H' knows his neshama.
The best way for him to prove his sincerity is to disassociate himself from the globalist agenda. For any leader of Am Yisrael, he must always put G-D & His people, Israel, first and
that is what matters, and so, everything will work out right for Am Yisrael and even for the rest of the decent world.

At this point in time, this sounds good

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